By: Natalie T. & Lauren H.
How La Salle had raise money or an expedition. The catholic church asked him to join two missionaries. He converted other people.
Who He was born in 1643 he died in He was born in city of Rouen, France he died in Texas.
When By the time La Salle was 9 years old he attended a school taught by Jesuits. He was 23 when he explored.
Why The Iroquois told him about two rivers called the Ohio & Mississippi river. Salle didn’t find land.
Where He explored to Mississippi River, Lake Ontario, Montreal, Saint Sault Marie.
What During the winter of 1668, La Salle let some Iroquois stay on his land they told him about 2 rivers called the Ohio & Mississippi river they also told him the rivers flow to sea. La Salle was excited by this story. He believed they might flow all the way to the Pacific Ocean. They looked for this waterway, called the Northwest Passage which connected the Atlantic & Pacific Ocean. They looked for this waterway because it would give them a fast route to China where they could trade furs for spices & silk. The Iroquois agreed to lead La Salle to the Great Rivers. The other job La Salle had was a land owner.