Intellectual Inderpendence By: Lauren C
Question #1 Q= The activity, lesson and/or experience that shows my critical thinking and Intellectual Independence in math was....because... A= I always go with my own answer after I check it over or try it a couple times but some times when I don't get what I am doing I have my teacher or friends help me understand it.
Question #2 Q= This matters, or is important to me because... A= When you are older and are by your self you can't just have people give you the answers you have to do them by your self.
Question #3 Q= I will use, or apply this to strengthen myself as a learner and think more critically in other areas by... A= Helping people if they don't understand it and just go with my own answer because other people might be wrong or not get how to do it to.
On a Test On test we are not allowed to work together and that is some times challenging because you can just forget what that whole thing what you learned yesterday and just blank out but I also like it better because you can just concentrate and think by your self.
In Class In class when we get to work together I don’t really get a lot of work done so that is why I work better by my self so I get my work done and I understand it.