By: Lydia, Simon, & Dylan.
How The Ottawa's Interact With Other Tribes. The Ottawa's’ traded with other tribes and travelers. The Ottawa traveled all over the Great Lakes.
What houses they lived in Some lived in wigwams Others live in log houses
What There Jobs Were. Men were hunters Women were farmers
Roles of Men, Women & Children Ottawa children play and go to school just like us except they had more chores and less time to play. They had dolls and toys. Older kids liked to play lacrosse. The mother would carry their babies on cradleboards on their back. The woman were farmers and did most of the cooking and took care of the children. Men were hunters and sometimes (to protect their families) went to war. Both genders did story telling, artwork, music, & traditional medicines. In the past, only men could be chiefs, but now both genders can be chiefs.
What Food They Ate They ate crops that women grew They ate dead animals that men hunted for
Location They lived in Ontario, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Canada.
Skill The Ottawa’s were great at trading
What clothes they wore Women wore dresses Women wore rabbit skin in the winter Men wore Native American head dresses
Adapting to the environment The Ottawas did the things we do in Michigan as in doing the same jobs, eating the same food, wearing the same clothes, trading, and doing the things that they do in Michigan
Roles of Men, Women, & Children The women did most child care, cooked, and were farmers. The men were hunters and went to war (so they could protect their families) sometimes. Both genders practiced story-telling, artwork, music, & medicine. The Ottawa children played and went to school just like the children now.
Ottawas’ Tribe Structure The structure of the Ottawa tribe was made up of bands and were formed with a head chief.
Legends & Stories The Great Flood There is a legend called The Great Flood and it’s about a clown boy who has a hunting dog. Waw-goosh (the fox) wanted to kill the dog so he made himself look like a deer so when the hunting dog came to kill the deer the fox killed him. Fox then made a barbecue and invited as his guests whales, serpents, and all the monsters of the deep, that they might be very happy with him that he had slain the dog of the prophet. The clown boy wanted revenge so he shot a poisoned arrow through the sea god’s heart and yelled “Revenge! Revenge!” Then the monsters and other creatures of the sea drowned land. The clown boy called to God of Heaven to save him. A boat came out of no where and let down a rope and then he was safe. He ordered Aw-milk (the beaver) to dive down and bring up some earth but he came up lifeless. The beaver ordered Waw-jashk (the musk-rat) to dive down and get some earth because he dives best. He came up lifeless too, but the clown boy blew into his mouth and he was alive again. Just like what he did to the beaver. The musk-rat had a small quantity of earth, which the prophet rolled into a small ball, and tied to the neck of Ka-ke-gi (the raven) and told him to fly over the water and he may find dry land. Soon he found dry land and they called themselves the repopulated the world.