Arms Race 1945 United States becomes the first country to use the atomic bomb – dropping it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII 1949 Soviet A-bomb is tested in Siberia 1952 American Hydrogen bomb 1953 Soviet Hydrogen bomb
1953 – New Leaders, New Policy? Dwight Eisenhower – new U.S. President Stalin dies, replaced by Nikita Khrushchev Peaceful Coexistence U.S. and USSR can exist together without conflict
1953 – New Leaders, New Policy? Open Skies – Ike proposed that each country allow aerial photographs so each side could inspect the others military installations Khrushchev rejected this Ike began using the new U-2 spy planes
Sputnik (1957)
Its the end of the world as we know it!!!
Space Race Soviets launch first satellite into space - Sputnik I This satellite was launched by a intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) – this could potentially carry a nuclear warhead to the U.S. U.S. puts money and resources into math and science education and schools Leads to the creation of NASA
Space Race America follows - Explorer I Soviet Yuri Gagarin becomes first person to orbit the earth John Glenn becomes the 1st American to orbit the earth America lands on the moon Apollo 11
Its the end of the world as we know it!!!
How to survive a nuclear attack Xp0I&feature=related&safety_mode=true& persist_safety_mode=1
Satellites – No mo communism? How did the Soviets respond to the uprising in Hungary? How did the Soviets try to prevent people from escaping from East Berlin to West Berlin?
Fidel Castro
Lets take him out La Brigada – anti-Castro Cubans trained by the CIA under Eisenhower Bay of Pigs Invasion – President Kennedy ordered La Brigada to land in Cuba and take out Castro (April 17, 1961) Complete failure – boats ran into coral reefs, Kennedy cancelled air support to keep U.S. involvement a secret, Castros forces captured and killed all of La Brigada
Cuban Missile Crisis October 14, 1962 – a U2 spy plane discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba World was on the brink of nuclear war for 13 days
Its the end of the world as we know it!!!