Wake up Call Service by:smile
Scene One G:Good evening.This is Miss Chen in room 808. O:Good evening.Miss Chen.May I help you? G:I need a wake up call tomorrow. O:I'm afraid this is a direct line.We can not transfer your call to call station.Could you dial 818,please? G:818? OK Thank you,byebye. O:It's my pleasure.Byebye.
Scene Two G:This is Miss Chen in room 808.Call station is? O:Yes, good evening.May I help you ? G:I need a wake up call tomorrow. O:Well, madam.Could you tell me what time you would like to get up? G:At 6:00 O:All right. G:Don't forget, please? O:Please set your heart at ease.We won't forget. G:OK,thank you.
O:You are welcome,madam.Have a good sleep. G:Good night.