More Secure Online Services Powered by the Microsoft SDL Bryan Sullivan Security Program Manager, SDL Microsoft
What We Will Cover Brief background on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) SDL processes and tools currently used to protect online services Preview future SDL online initiatives
Session Prerequisites Knowledge of basic web application vulnerabilities Familiarity with web programming concepts ASP.NET is a plus Level 300
SDL Background What is the SDL? EducationToolsProcess
SDL Background SQL Server Before the SDL
SDL Background SQL Server After the SDL
Online Service Requirements OWASP Top Ten Cross-Site Scripting Injection Flaws Malicious File Execution Insecure Direct Object References Cross-Site Request Forgery Information Leakage Broken Authentication Insecure Cryptography Insecure Communications Failure to Restrict URL Access
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Input Validation Ensure the data is what the application expects FormatLength Regular expressions (can) work great here System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexSystem.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Use of Regular Expressions Incorrect use of Regex: if (Regex.IsMatch(userInput, "[<>]")) // reject input Correct use of Regex: if (Regex.IsMatch(userInput, “^[a-zA-Z]{1,9}$")) // accept input
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) ValidateRequest Page directive Web.config setting <configuration> </configuration> More of a defense-in-depth measure
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Encode Output Harder than it sounds! 7 different cases Plain HTML HTML attribute URLJavaScriptVBScriptXML XML attribute Use Microsoft AntiXSS Library
Demonstration 1 Microsoft AntiXSS Library
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Static Analysis XSSDetect Code Analysis Tool Analyzes source-to-sink dataflow Standalone or integrated into Visual Studio
SQL Injection Use Stored Procedures Bad code: SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerId = '" + customerId + "'"); "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerId = '" + customerId + "'"); Good code: SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetCustomer"); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add(new
SQL Injection Avoid Moving the string concatenation to the stored proc code still leaves you vulnerable… EXEC ('SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerId = ''' + ''') The only approved use of EXEC is to call other stored procedures
SQL Injection Remove Database Privileges Allow only EXECUTE privileges on the necessary stored procedures All other privileges on all objects must be removed This is defense in depth
Cross-Domain Scripting Same Origin Policy Two frames/windows can only communicate with each other if they have the same origin Origin is defined as having the same: DomainPortProtocol Also applies to XMLHttpRequest
Cross-Domain Scripting Same Origin Policy Example If my page is PageAllowed?Why? domain protocol port domain ok Take a guess…
Cross-Domain Scripting Document.Domain Two cooperating pages can lower their domain so they can talk to each other Do not lower document.domain to the “two- dots” level or lower is allowed is is right out (prohibited by browsers too)
Cross-Domain Scripting Cross-Domain Access Policies Used by Flash, Silverlight crossdomain.xmlclientaccesspolicy.xml<cross-domain-policy> </cross-domain-policy>
Cross-Site Request Forgery ViewStateUserKey Built-in canary defense for ASP.NET pages protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID; this.ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID;}
Demonstration 2 ViewStateUserKey
Future SDL Initiatives SDL for Agile Development SDL originally designed for long projects Difficult to implement 100+ SDL requirements in two-week-long release cycles
Future SDL Initiatives SDL for Agile Development cont’d Break SDL into two “classes” Non-negotiable “every-sprint” requirements “Bucket” requirements Complete at least one from each bucket Complete all requirements every six months
Session Summary SDL can dramatically lower the number and severity of vulnerabilities in online services Validate user input Encode output Use stored procedures Avoid Limit cross-domain access Use ViewStateUserKey
For More Information SDL Web Site SDL Blog MSDN Magazine September 2008, “Security Briefs: SDL Embraces the Web” November 2008, “Agile SDL: Streamline Security Practices for Agile Development”
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