I'm Fernanda fun and I am here to show you the fun exciting things you can do while staying at Puerto Rico!
Right now, if we were to travel to Puerto Rico, the temperature would be around 78 degrees. Usually the weather is hot and sunny in Puerto Rico.
One natural area located in Puerto Rico is called Fajardo. Fajardo is one of the most originally beautiful spots on the island shores of Puerto Rico. You can do numerous activities here. You can go to the beach, go snorkeling, sailing, scuba diving, and more!!!
Another natural area in Puerto Rico is The Puerto Ricans Caribbean Rainforest. This rainforest is 28,000 acres long. It rains more than 100 billion gallons of rain a year here! By visiting this place you can look at its beauty, and unique species of animals and plants!!
Boating and sailing are very popular in Puerto Rico. People love being out on the blue waters of Puerto Rico. When people boat in Puerto Rico they see the beautiful blue waters, unique fish, and have a great time.
Another sport in Puerto Rico is Cockfighting. This unique sport is a real hit in Puerto Rico. It’s when you put two chickens on a stage (which is 20 ft long) The birds fight each other until the judges make their decision on which one wins, or if one of the chickens is killed, the other chicken wins.
When you visit Puerto Rico, they’re many adventures you can go on. One adventure you can go on is hiking through one of their magnificent rain forests. In the rain forests you can admire, and look at the beautiful animals, and unique plants.
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