The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction Adapted from Lake Lands Schools
Beginning where the students are…. Recognize individual differences Engage students in different modalities Varied rates of instruction, complexity levels, and teaching strategies Challenge students to compete against themselves The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What is Differentiated Instruction anyway?
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction Why Use Technology? Wide gaps in student experience and ability Motivating Flexibility of the medium Real World application
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What Types of Technology support DI? WebQuests Inspiration Subject Sampler Internet Scavenger Hunt Excel Power Point
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What are the Components of DI? Pre-Assessment Flexible Grouping – Learning Profile Learning Profile – Interest – Readiness Instruction Independent /Group Work Assessment
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What are the ways to Differentiate? Product –The way a student’s knowledge of a subject is assessed Process –The way a student gains access to knowledge Content –The depth/complexity of the knowledge base a student explores
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What are some additional resources? The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of all Learners How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms -Carol Ann Tomlinson
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction Where can I find Pre Assessment Tools? Quia Funbrain Teacher Tools
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction Where can I find Differentiated WebQuests? Differentiated by Interest Differentiated by Learning Style and ProductDifferentiated by Learning Style and Product –Pre assessmentPre assessment Modified
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction How can I use Inspiration to support Differentiation? These three vocabulary webs ask students to do the same task. The final part of the activity is differentiated. One Two ThreeOne Two Three There are many sites on the Internet that have vocabulary-building activities for students. This site allows for different levels of difficulty. Learning Vocabulary Can be Fun
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What is a Subject Sampler? Many Internet projects are differentiated by interest. Find a lesson and simply design the pre assessment. Subject Sampler Pre assessment
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction How are Scavenger Hunts differentiated? This Internet project, "Inventor Scavenger Hunt", is differentiated by Internet readiness (ability) and by interest. Treasure Hunt Pre AssessmentTreasure Hunt Pre Assessment Internet Scavenger Hunt
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction How can I use EXCEL to Differentiate? This activity is differentiated by content. Students are first pre assessed to determine their understanding of percents and then are directed to either Tab A or Tab B of the spreadsheet, based on their ability. Preassessment ExcelPreassessmentExcel
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? Pre-assessment: survey of technical readiness (multimedia, desktop publishing and web page creation) Publicity assignment Publicity assignment following the completion of a novel
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction How can PowerPoint be used to Differentiate? PowerPoint offers many opportunities for differentiation. All About CanadaAll About Canada ( note that this is shown as an example only - it is not completed) This PowerPoint is used to create learning centers for students. These centers can be differentiated by learning profile or by readiness. The content and process may be differentiated as well. Western Hemisphere Geography Preassessment The sample is a pre-assessment used as an anticipatory set for the introduction of a new unit.
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? These lessons both lend themselves to differentiating through compacting the curriculum. Both are from the WNET website, which is free to educators once you sign on with a user name and password. Cool! Awesome! What Is It? A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? ThinkQuest Jr. and Internet Challenge projects are excellent ways to differentiate through independent study. ThinkQuest Website Some examples of ThinkQuest sites (last year's winning sites): The Inside Scoop on Farms Of Mind and Matter: the Mystery of the Human Brain The German Tutor (runner up) The German Tutor Peacemakers and Breakers (runner up) Peacemakers and Breakers
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? The Internet offers the ability to learn by visiting a different site every day, based on student interest. A New Twist on the Daily Calendar (simple version for early elementary) A New Twist on the Daily Calendar Another Set of Links for Daily Use (more comprehensive for older elementary students) Another Set of Links for Daily Use Daily Links for Kindergarten Daily Links for First Grade Daily Links for Second Grade Daily Links for Fifth Grade More places that you can visit every day, from
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? Sites that lend themselves to differentiation: Ben's Guide to Government for Kids Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun Animals Database (three levels) Animals Database Other valuable resources for teachers: WNET School: The Web Service WNET School: for Teachers Eduscapes New York Times Learning Network Time for Kids Marco Polo
The Technological Way to Differentiate Instruction What other resources can be used to Differentiate? Filamentality Trackstar Technology Tutorials on the Web Education World Techtorials