Collecting II: Searching for Small Stories to Prove the Thesis Objective: To identify small stories within the text to support the thesis statement C.C.C.S.:


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Presentation transcript:

Collecting II: Searching for Small Stories to Prove the Thesis Objective: To identify small stories within the text to support the thesis statement C.C.C.S.: W8.2

Support Use small stories from your text that support your opinion/thesis statement Pick small parts within the story that helps prove your line of thought –First – look at the exact words of the scene –Second – put the scene into your own words

Collecting III: Looking at Lists and Quotations Objective: To find possible lists or quotations that support the thesis statement C.C.C.S.: W8.2

List & Quotation Both of these pieces of evidence should back up your thesis statement/opinion of your text List = might be something the author has included directly in the text or you may have to create yourself (review Marble Champ, Soul Surfer, and Holes example) Quotation = typically this is something that character said or did that, once interpreted, backs up your opinion

Collecting IV: Using the Stories of Our Lives as Evidence Objective: To find possible connections (self, text, or world) that will prove the thesis C.C.C.S.: W8.2

Connections View The Marble Champ example –What is the Specific connection –What is the knowledge gained from the connection? Find 1 self connection to your thesis –Include a bullet briefly explaining what you learned Find 1 text or world connection to your thesis –Include a bullet briefly explaining what was learned if a text connection found –Include a bullet briefly explaining what was similar if a world connection found