Hacer Ahora Write a sentence saying the day of the week and the date in Spanish. Hoy es jueves, el veinticinco de octubre.
Restaurant Project (Major Assessment) PROJECT IS DUE: Friday 3/21 Create a name and design for your restaurant - DON’T USE ACTUAL RESTAURANT NAMES! Must have 5 sections: 1. Breakfast; 2. Lunch; 3. Dinner; 4. Drinks; 5. Dessert Each section must have 5 DIFFERENT ITEMS! ITEMS MAY NOT BE REPEATED!! You must have 2 PICTURES FOR EACH SECTION You must have prices for eat food item - be realistic! You may create a separate menu on construction paper of use poster paper.
WORD SCRAMBLER Create a word scrambler Swap with a classmate Hand in when complete
Ch. 8 Review Game Grammar!VocabularioNumbers!Otro
Which 2 phrases are used to express thirst and hunger?
What’s the difference between: a.El postre es rico. b.El postre está rico.
What do the verbs poder and almorzar have in common? What do they both mean?
-What does otro mean? -What are the other 3 forms of it?
-What does encantar mean? -Fill in the blanks below with the correct forms of encantar: a)Me _________ la papaya. b)Me _________ las uvas.
How do you say?: -Breakfast -Lunch -Dinner
-Fill in the blank with the correct form of either “ser” or “estar.” Ahora los frijoles ________ picantes.
Write 1 phrase you could use to ask a waiter to bring you something.
Write 5 items you use to set a table.
What phrases would you use for the following: a)Ask what a friend is going to order b)Say what you are going to order c)Ask how much the bill is d)Say the tip is separate
Write the following # in numerical form: Doscientos cincuenta y tres mil
Write the following number in Spanish:
When is a period used instead of a comma for numbers?
DAILY DOUBLE Write the following number in Spanish: 87,679
Write the missing number in SPANISH: 1,750 + __________ = 3,000
What is “desayuno fuerte”? What does it include?
Which type of breakfast includes the following foods? a.El cereal b.La leche c.La toronja
What is the difference between: a)Camarero b)Camarera
How do you say: a)The tip b)The bill
Translate the following into English: 1.¿Me trae otro vaso? 2.Yo voy a pedir el bistec con las legumbres. 3.¿Está incluida la propina?
Taboo Write what word means 3 words in English you associate with vocabulary word
El menú Start working on menu - look up items for food
La tarea Study for test on Friday