Speed Limits 25 Speed Limits 35 Speed Limits 50 Speed Limits 55 Speed Limits 65
Most passing is done on the left! Passing on the right is allowed only on: Roads with more than one lane going in the same direction If the car ahead is making a left and there is room to pass. Never pass on the right shoulder of the road
YIELDING THE RIGHT- OF- WAY Yield to the following: Emergency vehicles Busses Postal vehicles Other vehicles already in the intersection Pedestrians
NJ has experienced a large number of pedestrian injury crashes and fatalities. Motorists should: Watch Pedestrians when turning right on red Obey Speed Limits Be sure not to block or park in crosswalks Be alert for pedestrians at all times. Be aware of areas where pedestrians are most likely to appear (near schools, town centers, residential neighborhoods, parks.) Never pass another vehicle that has stopped for pedestrian Failure to stop carries a fine of up to: $500 Up to 25 days in jail Driving Suspension of up to 6 months 2 Points on your license
Note: Driving on private property to avoid a traffic signal or sign is a motor vehicle violation. 2 Point Ticket
INTERSECTIONS *An intersection is where two or more roads cross or merge at angles. *Most collisions occur at intersections Types of Intersections Controlled Uncontrolled Blind Traffic circle