John Adams Our Second President
The Man Harvard educated at 16 Successful lawyer Married Abigail Smith (housewife and wonderful writer) Founding Father Hot tempered First Vice President
The Election of 1796 John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson Wins electoral vote Jefferson becomes his Vice President
The XYZ Affair French spies try to extort money from the US extort Congress finds out and is not happy with France Jefferson is embarrassed
An Almost War “Quasi-War” with France Builds up army and navy Stays out of an all out war with France
Alien & Sedition Acts Anti-Immigrant Aliens deported An attack on First Amendment rights
Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions Thomas Jefferson and James Madison write them They object to the Alien & Sedition Acts
The Election of 1800 The Democratic- Republicans win! The House of Representatives decides the election Thomas Jefferson defeats John Adams
Hamilton Makes a Deal He backs Jefferson for President Aaron Burr gets angry A deadly duel ends the feud