Constitutional Convention 1787 Key attendees: George Washington James Madison George Mason Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin James Wilson Gouverneur Morris Edmund Randolph Roger Sherman Elbridge Gerry William Patterson Not attending: Thomas Jefferson John Adams Patrick Henry John Hancock Samuel Adams Richard Henry Lee Rhode Island
Philadelphia Convention May 55 delegates –Every state except –From propertied class “without being rich all are in easy circumstances” -Fr. diplomat Nationalists wanted to strengthen the central government Elected George Washington as presiding officer Met in “secret”
Virginia Plan Powerful national government –Supremacy of national authority Rejected state sovereignty –National gov’t could veto state laws – – Lower house representation based on population Lower house would then name the members of the upper house –Both houses would then choose judiciary and executive James Madison
New Jersey Plan National gov’t could –Raise revenue –Control commerce –Make binding requisitions on states William Paterson
Debate and Near Collapse After about two weeks of discussion –Supported NJ Plan NJ, DE 1/2 of MD 2/3 of NY VA Plan still basis of discussion Key Questions: 1.How should representatives from each state be determined? 2.What powers should the national gov’t have? –Created committee to solve One delegate from each state
Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises After deciding to scrap the Articles of Confederation, what to do?