Do Now Activity Complete iSPY Handout
Ms. Kendra’s 7 th Grade Science Rules and Expectations
Gold Team Procedures/Life Practices I am Important. am Intelligent. DDon’t mess with my education!
Expectations!! S - show RESPECT to yourself and others. C - can work positively with EVERY person in class. I - investigate in order to find answers or formulate questions. E - engage in class & building a class community. N - NEVER give up or say “I can’t” C - create scientific observations through art, poetry, writing and other interests E - every day is a NEW day!
Reward Time! Name one of the Gold Team’s Procedures and Life Practices.
Daily Routines Do-Now Activity – when you come into class go to your seat and get started on the activity QUIETLY unless instructed otherwise. Must have your own agenda to leave the class for any reason. Go to your locker between classes - not permitted after the bell rings.
Weekly Chart
Weekly Chart Categories Punctuality – BE ON TIME! In the classroom at the time of the bell. Prepared – Have all materials for class (agenda, binder, writing utensil, handouts, homework). Behavior – Respectful behavior at all times to others, teacher, and materials.
Weekly Chart Consequences Every violation in any categories is a tally mark. 3 tally marks in 1 day = Lunch Detention. 3+ tally marks = Consequence on Gold Team Procedures/Life Practices handout.
Weekly Chart Grade Each tally point is worth 3 points. At the end of the week you will receive a classwork grade. Can earn extra credit points. Get a 94 or above and receive a ticket for the following week!
Reward Time! How much is each tally point worth on the weekly chart?
Leaving the Room
Leaving the Room Cont’d 1 bathroom break per week. Nurses visits only for emergencies.
Absent Work Absent work can be found in the absent bins. Look for the day you were absent and your class folder. It is YOUR job to check the folders for work!! You have the amount of days you were absent to make up your work.
Homework HH omework will be given 2 days a week. SS tudy Guides will be counted as homework and handed in the day of a test. II f homework is one day late, you can only get a D - 70%. II f you are absent on a HW due day, it will not be counted late, but you still must hand it in the next day. HH omework help and extra help = No Excuses!!
Reward Time! If your absent where can you find your missed work?
Passing Out/Handing In Work Passing Out = papers will be in bins on the end of the tables closest to my desk. Papers will be passed down the row of tables. Handing In = Papers will be passed in the direction away from my desk. The students on the ends will be responsible for placing the papers in the appropriate back bin. Late work = -5 points.
Discovery/Student Supply Center Believe it or not, Ms. Kendra does not know everything (shocking I know!). If a question is asked and I don’t know the answer I may ask the student to go to the discovery laptop and Google the answer to share with the class. Students are to use the supplies in this area only. NEVER FROM MY DESK!
Student of the Week! A student of the week will be selected by me each week. Their name will be displayed on the superstar scientists board, they will receive a certificate, and a prize from the rewards chest!
Reward Time! In Ms. Kendra’s class, what is the signal used to indicate you have to go to the bathroom?
Test STARS! Get an A on a test and get your name on the TEST STARS board and a pencil. Increase your score by 15+ points from your last test and get the same reward! Both get stickers on their test.
Grades Labs/Activities = 40% Tests = 25% Classwork = 15% Quizzes = 10% Homework = 10%
STOP Signal There are going to be times when I will need to get everyone’s attention. Suggestions for stop signal?
R.A.C.E. You are required to answer all responses in FULL SENTENCES!!! If your answer is not in full sentences, the answer is WRONG!!
Odds and Ends Safety – we will discuss tomorrow. NO FOOD or DRINKS. NO GUM!! Cell Phones Questions???
Procedures/Expectations GAME!