How Many Facilities Make 50 Million Tons? Peter Ciborowski MPCA
CO 2 Emissions in MPCA Database 700 facilities that report fuel use in MPCA database as a part of criteria pollutant reporting 100 electric power facilities of various sizes 380 industrial firms Aggregate CO 2 emissions from these 700 facilities are 54 million tons Used a 3-year average to calculate emissions at facility-level
Sorting Rules for Assigning Facilities to Sectors Industrial SIC codes CommercialSIC codes Electric PowerSIC codes 4911, 4931, 4953, 4961, generate power, serve the grid CHP facilities with large grid sales are treated as electric power facilities
Sorting Rules for Assigning Facilities to Sectors CHP facilities with no or nominal grid sales are treated as industrial or commercial facilities Electric utility-owned CHP facilities are treated as electric power facilities IPP units dedicated to grid service are treated as electric power facilities
CO 2 Emissions in MPCA database ( av.) by Sector Industrial Sector 11.0 million tons Electric power sector41.5 million tons Commercial sector1.4 million tons Total53.9 million tons