1 Operational Rate Understanding the BAM
2 Overview Sampling Formula Weighting Excluded Overpayments Time Period
3 Sampling BAM data gathered weekly Sampling program Sample size Results are estimates
4 The Formula Nh=Total number of UI payments in the population for batch h. vih=Dollars overpaid for the ith case in batch h. xih=Original amount paid/offset for the ith case in batch h. mh=Number of completed sample cases for batch h. H=Number of batches in the range.
5 The Formula…Simplified Total Amount Overpaid ÷ Total Amount Paid = Rate Overpaid
6 Extra Factors Weighted Computed Weekly Summed Yearly
7 Weighting Based on sample cases How much weight does each case carry? Number of cases each week compared to the number of payments in the universe Avg score for men = 5 Avg score for women = 10 Is the average score 7.5? What if there are 100 men in the population and only 50 women? 5* *50 / 150 = 6.666
8 Exclusions Non-Recoverable Overpayments Technically Proper Overpayments Base Period Wage Errors Work Search ES Registration Other Causes Why? RecoverableRecoverable Reasonably detectableReasonably detectable
9 Time Period Based on a sample Need 12 months to get full picture BAM is current BAM is a sample, therefore an estimate Operational Rate Overpayment rate * Dollars paid in the populationOverpayment rate * Dollars paid in the population estimated amount of overpayments in the populationestimated amount of overpayments in the population
10 BPC Ties to BPC (Overpayment/Fraud Unit)(Overpayment/Fraud Unit) BPC takes time 6 months to discover (wage detail), investigate and write6 months to discover (wage detail), investigate and write
11 Goals and Standards GPRA target is to establish 52.8% of the overpayments that BAM estimates is out there (FY 2010) Lower limit 50% CAP needed if below 50%CAP needed if below 50% Upper Limit 95% BAM program accuracy suspectBAM program accuracy suspect BPC reporting accuracy suspectBPC reporting accuracy suspect CAP needed if over 95%CAP needed if over 95% UIPL regarding target:
12 Time lines BAM Operational rate dates Jan. 1, Year1 through Dec. 31, Year1Jan. 1, Year1 through Dec. 31, Year1 BPC Dates Jul 1, Year1 through Jun 30, Year2Jul 1, Year1 through Jun 30, Year2 WEB site to view your rate yearly (GPRA): WEB site to view your 3 year rate (Core Measure)
13 Understanding the Website Column 1 = yearly total of cm4 Column 2 = Computed Operational Rate Column 3 = Column 1* Column 2 $540,341,335 *.0347 = $18,749,844$540,341,335 *.0347 = $18,749,844 Not a perfect match due to roundingNot a perfect match due to rounding Column 4 = yearly total of 227 OP data Column 5 = Column 4 / Column 3 $10,994,408 / $18,759,207 =.58608$10,994,408 / $18,759,207 = Col 5
14 Review BAM uses a sample Overpayments/Amount paid Weighted to accurately represent the population Need a complete year of data Rate includes only overpayments that are recoverable and reasonably detectable Compare rate to a full year, 6 months later for BPC activity