Technology Department Year in Review
Tonight’s Topics Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Tonight’s Topics Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Infrastructure Move to VoIP phones (2 nd year) continues to be a success flexibility when staff change or move no longer reliant on vendor support Wireless capacity increase at the middle school for use with college and career ready software, exploring more robust AP’s Flex space wired and wireless, audio, video: used for multiple staff and student purposes including the latest Skype with an author Buckley Way building set up as a temporary location for Early Childhood, somewhat of a struggle as it uses a different Internet/network access from outside resource
Infrastructure Move Extreme wireless AP’s to elementary to provide capacity Add more robust wireless AP’s to secondary to provide capacity Continue migration
Tonight’s Topics Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Hardware & Software The district continues on its replacement cycle. This year we replaced most secondary labs and have repurposed those iMacs to the elementary labs. Most productivity applications are licensed for maintenance upgrades which will allow for more flexible upgrade timing. Network migration and lab installs were slowed due to AIR not allowing testing on the new version of Apple OS X.
Hardware and Software AIR reversed decision end of January and we were able to put out the new labs and begin migration tasks Grade 5 at Pine Bend & MS social studies piloting digital curriculum with classroom sets of tablets. Moving to the web-based version of MAP which allows for testing on tablets – will reduce some of the load on labs.
Hardware Inventory SMARTDocumentStaffStudentStaffStudentStaffStudent ProjectorsBoardsCamerasDesktops Laptops iPads Hilltop Pine Bend Salem Hills IGHMS Simley Comm Ed DO Total
Hardware Inventory – Student Only Student TotalStudentStudent/Device DesktopsLaptopsiPadsDevicesPopulationRatio Hilltop to 1 Pine Bend to 1 Salem Hills to 1 IGHMS to 1 Simley to 1 Comm Ed 70 DO 190 Total to 1
Hardware and Software Replace staff workstations at secondary levels Repurpose staff workstations for other needs, staff and student Add technology to new Salem Hills Media Center Add technology to new Early Learning Center at Hilltop
Tonight’s Topics Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Budget and Purchasing E-rate continues to reimburse connectivity costs for voice and Internet at a rate of about 57% - $47,613 for Equity Aid from the state continues to reimburse a portion of the remaining costs. We have found alternate fiber connectivity for Internet as our lease with Comcast is up in Since Comcast franchise agreements are in question, this would have been a necessity.
Areas of Concentration Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Training and Certification Staff continue to be trained on new features of network enterprise management software including FileWave, Microsoft and Extreme. Asst. workstation technician added one certification in spring. Lead and asst. workstation technicians each expect to add one certification this year.
Tonight’s Topics Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services
Information Services Continue to add additional data to iCue Tests and Assessments and make available to classroom teachers Reading levels at elementary grades OLPA math scores, MCA preliminary scores Adding MAP scores continually instead of waiting for window to close Populated Naviance with current students, alumni and ACT, Plan and Explore scores
Upcoming Recruiting volunteers to evaluated Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Moodle, Schoology and others. Subgroup of a larger group forming as an advisory group for: Create the next 3-year Tech Plan (not due until next year) Create a strategic tech plan Review and choose a learning management Create a digital learning plan Review district tech policies to keep current
Questions on Any of the Areas? Infrastructure Hardware and Software Budget and Purchasing Training and Certification Information Services