When the military runs the government and is the primary focus of the nation Militarism
Alliance An agreement between countries to support each other (usually in times of war)
World War I Vocab Devotion and loyalty to one’s own country. Nationalism
Extending a nation’s authority by acquiring other nations, and claiming economic and political rights over them. Imperialism
The process of assembling armed forces into readiness for active services. Mobilization
The policy of a nation that does not participate in a war between other nations. Neutrality
Policy of avoiding involvement in political affairs beyond the nation’s borders. Isolationism
The use of warships to block all trade for an enemy nation. Blockade
A stoppage of fighting during which a treaty is created and agreed upon. Armistice
Payment, usually money, required from a defeated nation as a condition of peace. Reparation
Casualty Soldiers who have been killed, wounded, captured, or have gone missing.