GOALS: Need numbers (preferably in goals and objectives) FEDERAL : Numbers in goals (because don't require objectives) STATE : Requires objectives, so maybe numbers can be in objectives COMBINING BOTH : Really need numbers in both Use Nancy Rossman's format: [Student] will [direction: improve or reduce] her [specific skill] from [number from present level] to [number to attain].
LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT 1. What student will miss due to scheduled services (can note if rotating schedule; may need PWN if schedule changes)? 2. Why does student need that service out of gen ed context? Any time discussions include the possibility of a future placement in a Setting 4 program, special education administration need to be involved.
SERVICE GRID: Fill it in completely + ESY Document ESY discussion (CAN USE FROM SPED FORMS) Include ESY in Service Grid (if marked "Yes" in ESY box) Related services : can be in service grid if regularly scheduled interaction with the student, but must be described in the adaptations; do not have stand alone goals, but can be tied to an objective in a goal; only if necessary to allow the student to make progress in their IEP goals. DAPE has different requirements than related services and is on the service grid & has goals.
PROGRESS REPORTING Written (because if not written, still need all of required documentation written in parent contact log) Same number of times as general education (can do more, but only commit to required number of times, and do not add "if needed.") Ex. 4 written progress reports mailed to the family IF "insufficient progress" 1 or 2 times, MEET to determine if IEP is appropriate or what needs to change to increase the likelihood of progress.
MCA modifications Be cautious to say “small group” now that tests are moving to electronic formats with headphones. Consider that the script is overwhelming to many students because EVERYTHING on the page must be read..
COURAGE doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” -MaryAnne Rademacher-Hershey
Eligibility for MCA-modified 1. Student has scored in "DOES NOT MEET" level for past 2 administrations. 2. Student is accessing GRADE level standards in that area. 3. Student has IEP goals in that area that are written based on the gaps between their performance and the standard benchmarks & content limits.
Steps for STANDARDS-based IEP Goals 1. Note in PLAFP how student's disability impacts their participation in general education curriculum, noting in particular that the student does access grade level content standards but will not meet grade level proficiency during the IEP year (with supporting data). 2. Note the grade level standards being addressed and the gap between the standard and the student performance. 3. Use the language from the relevant standard benchmarks to write the goal, considering the content limits.
TRANSITION Post-secondary Measureable Goals state what the student “will” do after high school based on current student plans Needs addressed in Goals and/or Adaptations Transfer of Rights info sent to parents by age 17 & NOTE in file.
TEAM TEACHING TRULY integrated co-teaching Requires significant team planning Intricate weave of content knowledge & skill development Beautifully choreographed adaptation options embedded in presentation/assessment/motivation May not be feasible on short notice or without complicated resource management Separate but equal Content specialist teaches content to half the class Skill development specialist teaches reading comprehension to half using content-related materials Groups rotate half-way through Reading comprehension is taught through PALS or through other explicit instructional strategy
Questions?? Thoughts?? Future Discussions???