What is Psychology? Mr. Koch Psychology Forest Lake High School
PSYCHOLOGY is… Greek word“psyche” = mind or soul “logos” = study of The science that deals with the behavior & thinking of organisms.
Science – branch of study based on systematically conducted research Behavior – activities by people or animals that can be observed directly or measured by special techniques Thinking – unobservable activity by which a person recognizes past experiences through the use of symbols or concepts Organism – any living person or animal The science that deals with the behavior & thinking of organisms.
Psychologists focus on common & unusual activities Roots or origin Cure/Explanation
Psychologists draw upon findings of other sciences: PhysicsChemistryBiologyPsychology Instruments Equipment How body’s chemistry relates to mood, performance & personality disturbance Sense organs Nervous system Glands Brain Focus is on BEHAVIOR “Hard Sciences”
“Soft Sciences” Anthropology: “culture” Sociology: “groups” Social Psychology: How people are affected by their surroundings How individuals behave in groups within a particular culture Effects of a group on an individual and how individuals think about other people