Student Plans v4.8.01
2 Enhancements & Corrections! Broadcast messages to users MA Billing enhancements New options with Student Summary Internal link between Viewpoint and Student Plans Ability to amend evaluation plan
3 Broadcast Messages Can be used to send an emergency message asking all users to log off Can be used to send an alert that a new release/patch is installed Can be used for a “Tip of the Day” message
4 Broadcast Messages Setup in District Maintenance, District Messages Types of Message Options
5 District Maintenance - Schools Minutes in School Day added to provide another cross check to prevent error with service or activity log input of minutes
6 Meeting Notices Revised Sign-In sheet & Ability to add attendees from follow-up
7 Evaluation Plan Ability to amend an evaluation plan. Intent is to add one or more new procedures and print an amended plan for the parent to sign. Proposals page would indicate why procedures were added.
8 IIIP Document Sections Ability to distinguish printing differences between a Birth-3 and a 3-21 IIIP Determine elements to print for 0-2 and 3-21 – Adjust Menu items to match print selections
9 IEP/IIIP Extended School Year When More Data Needed is selected a required date box will appear. When that date comes due it will show up on the tickler list.
10 IEP/IIIP/IFSP/ISP Progress Reporting Values The values found on the bottom of a follow-up progress report can be modified in the Progress Values table for each type of Plan
11 Student Summary Reports BIP option has been added, minutes of service will now print, alternate assessments will print and ability to pull data from customized user sections in either IEP/IIIP/ISP/IFSP.
12 Critical Incidents Service providers can now enter critical incident reports
13 MA Billing – Activity Logs Personal care plans can be created that would allow paras to enter time for one main activity and enter number of occurrences for each detailed task. Can also be used with time study When setting up activity in Activities table there is also a choice for time study
14 MA Billing – Activity Logs Enter Personal Care Plan Activity
15 MA Billing – Time Study Personal Care Plan Time Study is a new document that can be added for those with MA Billing module
16 MA Billing – Personal Care Audit Report Billing managers and para supervisors can see if: Paras enter time for an activity that is NOT on the personal care plan There is no activity entry for a school day where there is a valid time study There is an entry made for a non-school day
17 Questions? Call or Beth at studentplans helpdesk (651) or (888) ext 8947