Website Content Guidelines What we can and cannot do
Websites must conform with Dassel-Cokato Acceptable Use Policy #524
Copyright © “Any original work fixed in a tangible medium is automatically protected by copyright.” –Pictures –Text –Animations –Movies –Music This protects intellectual property. Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC
4 ways to legally use information from the web Create it yourself Get permission to use it Use material from the Public Domain Fair Use policy Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC
When Is It Public Domain? DATE OF WORKPROTECTED FROMTERM Created or after When work is fixed in tangible medium of expression Life + 70 years Published before 1923In public domain None Published from When published with notice 3 28 years + could be renewed for 47 years, now extended by 20 years for a total renewal of 67 years. Published from When published with notice 28 years for first term; now automatic extension of 67 years for second term By Lolly Gasaway, University of North Carolina
Fair Use Policy A “small enough” portion Copying does not reduce profits of owner Used for non-profit, scholarly, comedy, parody or educational purposes Credit should be given However, this is seldom clear cut in court. Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC
Fair Use Act of 2007 Additions and clarifications to previous law OK to copy a DVD or CD for archiving or preservation purposes Showing movies is OK for live face to face instructional purposes in a classroom.
Summary—What you can/cannot use Yes Documents you create Text you write Microsoft Clip Art Photos you take Pictures w/o names that do not reveal the identity of students Links to other sites Your contact information No Documents which contain copyrighted information Copyrighted music Labeled pictures Downloaded pictures Professional studio photos Copyrighted Clip Art Student contact info