John McCain: A clear and present danger
AFL-CIO Americans Prefer a Democrat for President Source: MSNBC/McClatchey 1/23/08 Putting aside for a moment the question of who each party's nominee might be, what is your preference for the outcome of the 2008 presidential election––that a Democrat be elected president, that a Republican be elected president, or that an independent candidate be elected president?
AFL-CIO But Against McCain, the Picture Aint As Pretty Source: Real Clear Politics Average, February 13, 2008
AFL-CIO McCain = 4 More Years of Failed Bush Policies
AFL-CIO McCain = Bad News for Working Families John McCain Voted: John McCain Voted: For Bills That Would Export American Jobs For Bills That Would Export American Jobs Against Extending Unemployment Benefits Against Extending Unemployment Benefits For Privatization of Federal Jobs For Privatization of Federal Jobs Against Raising the Minimum Wage Against Raising the Minimum Wage Against Protection of Overtime Rights Against Protection of Overtime Rights Against Allowing Vote on EFCA Against Allowing Vote on EFCA Against SCHIP Against SCHIP For a national Right to Work for Less law For a national Right to Work for Less law Im not going to bring back a lot of these jobs. I can't because with a global economy they're headed the other way – John McCain, 12/4/07
AFL-CIO McCain: Bad on Worker Rights Voted to Sustain Republican Filibuster of Employee Free Choice Act Voted to Sustain Republican Filibuster of Employee Free Choice Act Voted For a National Right to Work for Less Law Voted For a National Right to Work for Less Law Voted Against Raising the Minimum Wage for Working Families Voted Against Raising the Minimum Wage for Working Families Voted Against Protecting Overtime Rights Voted Against Protecting Overtime Rights Supports Overhauling Unemployment Benefits Supports Overhauling Unemployment Benefits
AFL-CIO McCain: Bad on Trade Voted for NAFTA Voted for NAFTA Voted for Singapore and China Free Trade Agreements, which lack sufficient labor protections Voted for Singapore and China Free Trade Agreements, which lack sufficient labor protections Proposed expanding CAFTA Proposed expanding CAFTA Voted to make it easier for president to enter into trade agreements without strong labor protections Voted to make it easier for president to enter into trade agreements without strong labor protections If I were president, I would negotiate a free trade agreement with almost any country willing to negotiate… – John McCain, 5/20/99
AFL-CIO McCains Not-So-Straight Talk We should reform our job training and education programs to more effectively help displaced American workers. Voted: For NAFTA, fast track, and every bad trade deal Against funding unemployment insurance To Privatize Federal Jobs