Forest Lake EDA Meeting June 27, 2011
CR 2 and I-35 Bridge/Interchange First Ave NW (Backage Road) CR 2/Broadway Avenue Roadway Utilities Hardwood Creek Pedestrian Bridge Impact of Possible State Shutdown (July 1) Communication Update
Bridge Removal Week of May 9 Bridge Removal between 9PM-6AM 4 nights
Interchange Construction Construction on temporary ramp Surcharge construction
Bridge Construction Pouring concrete on east abutment stem wall A look at the east abutment Prior to backfilling
Bridge Construction Excavation for the center pier (In I-35 median)
Open to Traffic– Friday, July 1
To begin after the Backage Road (First Ave NW) is open to traffic.
Watermain work Directional boring utility work
May 6, 2011
Pouring the bridge deck Painting the walls
The Pedestrian Bridge will be open from July 1-July 4. The Bridge will close again beginning July 5. The Pedestrian Bridge will be open at the end of July. Chain-link fencing is temporary.
Washington County Engineer Wayne Sandberg to give a more detailed presentation at City Council meeting tonight – 7PM.
Broadway Bulletin- 31 Businesses participating - 15 distribution sites Go Local Discount Card- 18 Businesses participating - Expires 12/31/11 Where’s the Concrete Truck? Arts in the Park
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