1932 Presidential Election Hoover vs. Roosevelt 1932 Presidential Election Should the government provide for the needs of its people in times of crisis and get involved in the economy?
Learning Targets Compare and contrast the plans of Hoover and Roosevelt. Determine who the best candidate is for the United States. Create a political cartoon which supports their choice.
Hoover’s Plan Gov’t should stay small Private charities should help Ask farmers to limit production No handouts from the gov’t Limited loans to businesses
Hoover’s Plan: Two-Sentence Summary Review your notes on Hoover’s Plan. Summarize his plans in two sentences.
Roosevelt’s Plan “New Deal”—expand gov’t role Gov’t provide jobs and basic needs Reform banks and stock market Try different programs—act now!
Roosevelt’s Plan: Two-Sentence Summary Review your notes on Roosevelt’s Plan. Summarize his plans in two sentences.
Assignment Read campaign speech excerpts (primary sources) 2.Add to notes as you read: -- 3 bullet points -- Extra Challenge: Add a quote. 3. Create political cartoon criticizing or supporting a candidate. 4. Choose one position and one image. -- Remember to be symbolic (show the criticism or supportive reason) -- Illustrate vs. tell -- Use labels and titles
1932 Election Results Hoover Roosevelt 22.8 million votes 6 of the 48 states Roosevelt 22.8 million votes 42 of the 48 states Clickers for 2012.