AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER SLS Provider Meeting March 6, 2008
People with Autism have challenges in the areas of: Communication Socialization Restricted/Repetitive Behaviors
Consumers with an autism diagnosis tend to be younger. The average age of a consumer with autism is 20 years. Average age of all others is 34 years.
Consumers with autism more likely to be male.
We are missing 8% of race data in one group, so difficult to make comparison. When comparing Hispanic Ethnicity though, no difference.
Consumers with autism diagnosis more often have diagnosis of related conditions. With autism Without autism Mild %43% Moderate %24% Severe %14% Profound %10.4% Unspec’d %6% Related conditions V %3%
Consumers with autism diagnosis are more likely to have a medium or high behavior assessment. Behavior AsstWith autismWithout autism Low33.3%59% Medium58.9%36% High7.9%6%
The incidence of autism is … …growing at a rate of 10-17% annually. (Autism Society of America, 2995)
Common themes in literature Needs can develop suddenly: Loss of natural supports (friends, educators) Death of parent Job loss Lack of mandates to serve Seeing costly emergencies. Don’t meet eligibility criteria for DD services due to lack of cognitive disability, but don’t have functional skills needed to live, work or function independently. For those who do meet criteria, lack of appropriate supports specific to needs.
Common theme continued Needs on the service side: Individualized services to meet behavioral, communication and sensory challenges Focus on development of social skills: find/maintain employment, friendships; sexual education DVR often only service available…don’t meet needs for specific, lifelong support
BEST PRACTICES Transitioning from school Major difficulty – gradual, limited at any one time Enhanced coordination: care mgt, med. mgt, family Avoid gaps in service Adult staff work w/ educators Specialized supports in post- secondary Holistic supports Integrate seamlessly throughout day and lifespan in work, recreation, social – wrap around Life not divided into Residential and Employment. “Life coach” to facilitate community integration and access
Best practice: Housing needs to acknowledge level of skill of person and home needs to have fewer individuals Housing Options Range of options from family home, apt, condo, town home, private home …other than group home model providing supports to those in family home: in-home supports and respite…is cost-effective Creativity in housing Living alone or with 2 or 3 individuals who can share space w/o getting in each other’s way Companion living Roommates w/o disabilities Host families Drop-in support, neighbor
Best Practice: Housing considerations Matching: Roommates: leisure interests, tastes & preferences, tolerance Support staff Funding: Separate consideration for housing Separate consideration for support services
BEST PRACTICE: Employment and Alternative Services -Free up bricks/mortar $ for more individualized support -One on one support during transition, then fade…several yrs to see cost-savings -Individualized budgets/ programming: flexibility, responsive to changing needs, culturally appropriate Emphasis on employment: customized, job-sharing, small business…consideration to sensory-processing Emphasis on social: skills, friendships, natural supports, own community Training for those who provide natural supports Emphasis on family Naturalized transportation
Best Practices continued Natural supports to achieve community membership and maximize resources in light of funding shortfalls Post-secondary and training programs need Planning at state level – Autism Services Office, Governor’s Task Force- common vision and philosophy
STATE LEVEL: PLANNING, POLICY, FUNDING Common vision, philosophy, policy Proactive strategies Mandated services and eligibility issues Funding rates based on individual need Collaborative funding: DD, DVR, MH… Service expansion: clinical, behavioral, transition, employment, housing Promote best practices and service delivery models Start-up& supplemental funding: incentives for community programming, greater staff ratios, more staff training, TA and professional training Case management w/ expertise in Autism