The 5 th grade Language Arts curriculum emphasizes Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Spelling and Writing. We will explore many topics through daily reading and writing practice, stories, poetry, technology, activities, songs, and projects.
Students will participate in literature circles this year. They will be learning to read a book at home on their own, and preparing to participate in a group discussion at school. Fill out a journal or worksheet with their assigned role. Share their thoughts and questions with a small group once a week. Read a set amount of pages a week/night.
Students will have a spelling test each week. They will take a pre-test on the first day of the week and will test on the last day in that week. They will be asked to bring their pre-test home. They will be tested on 10 words each week. Students will also receive a grade for spelling on writing assignments.
Writing Notebook Fluency Strategies Expanding Topics Sharing their Writing Strategies for Editing th Grade Writing Writer’s Workshop Students need a spiral notebook every day in class to complete these activities!
Students will be graded in the following areas: ◦ Class work/Homework ◦ Writing Exercises ◦ Quizzes ◦ Tests ◦ Responsibility (parent signature, textbook covered, etc.) ◦ Assignment Book (1 st hour teacher) I will do my best to update grades as quickly as possible!
Homework Policy All assigned work must be completed and handed in ON TIME to receive full credit. Late Work: Oops! Mistakes and emergencies happen, so each student will be allowed one late assignment coupon per trimester. This coupon allows a student to turn in a completed assignment late, to receive full credit. After this coupon has been used, all further late assignments will be worth half credit. Make-up Work Policy As stated in the HMS handbook, students will have 2 days for every day absent to make up their work (2 days absent = 4 days to complete work) After this amount of time the late work policy goes into effect. **If your child is going to be absent for a planned event (vacation, doctor) try to let me know and I can get work out to you in advance.
GRADES Responsibility: participation, planner, sign & returns, book covered, etc. Homework: includes daily class work and work assigned to be done at home. Assessment: Spelling tests each week; Mid-Unit and End-Unit Assessments every two to three weeks. HOMEWORK/DAILY WORK : Please check your child’s planner for any homework that is given on a daily basis. You can also find homework listed on our classroom webpage.
There are many things you can do to support your child’s success: ◦ Sign the assignment book each night ◦ Create good study habits ◦ Check SchoolView ◦ Guide homework; read each night ◦ Study Spelling and Vocabulary words
Mrs. Swenson’s phone number is Ms. Hegland’s phone number is: