Applicants Videoconference January 17, 2013
MnDOT funding began in 2005 with federal transportation bill (SAFETEA-LU) This solictation uses remaining SAFETEA-LU funds Future federal funding is not guaranteed but some will likely be available for FY
Planning assistance ◦ For schools that do not have a SRTS plan ◦ School-based ◦ Can be for multiple schools Non-infrastructure implementation ◦ Education, encouragement, enforcement, evaluation ◦ For schools with assessments and identified goals ◦ Can be district-wide, city-wide or regional Infrastructure implementation ◦ School-based ◦ Physical improvements to improve safety or increase bicycling and walking to school
Review the applications for three grant types Highlight key differences and important requirements Answer questions
Application went out in October Application due Friday, February 15 via to Awards announced in April or May aferoutes/
American Cancer Society American Heart Association Bicycle Alliance of MN Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN City of Alexandria City of Mankato Federal Highway Administration Fond du Lac Reservation MN Department of Education MN Department of Health MN Department of Public Safety MN Department of Transportation MN Safety Council Minneapolis Public Schools Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Olmsted County Public Health Public Health Law Center Red Pine Elementary School Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission
Statewide resources ◦ Trainings ◦ Curriculum ◦ Technical assistance Grants ◦ SRTS planning assistance for schools ◦ Local implementation grants
Identify issues and infrastructure and non- infrastructure solutions Planning process includes assessment, vision and goal setting, public engagement, and action plan Time frame for plan development is one year
Planning assistance for K-8 schools via: ◦ Regional Development Commission (RDC) ◦ Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) ◦ MnDOT-selected Planning Consultant
Map available at: s/planning/program/MPO RDC.html
Detailed instructions ◦ Completed app form ◦ Application questions 1-7 ◦ 1-pg map ◦ Letter of support from each school site ◦ Add’l info ◦ Budget from RDC or MPO
Provide grants to local schools for non- infrastructure implementation: ◦ Education ◦ Encouragement ◦ Enforcement ◦ Evaluation Emphasis on planning, evaluation and sustainability Ultimate goal: get more kids walking and biking
Creating and distributing maps of “safe routes” to school Staff time for a SRTS coordinator or stipend for volunteer Crossing guard training and equipment Staff time related to district-wide policy changes Events – best if they are ongoing or tied to other elements (i.e. not one stand-alone event) Equipment supportive of implementing education, encouragement or enforcement Bicycle and pedestrian curriculum (relates to MnDOT curriculum pilot project)
Same items from Planning Assistance application, and ◦ Presence of prior planning ◦ Resolution of Support ◦ Prioritized Budget
Key differences: ◦ Presence of prior planning? ◦ Prioritized by broader activities in budget ◦ Resolution of support from governing body
The application is available on the MnDOT SRTS website. Require download of filler program Criteria: Comprehensive approach Engineering strategy Community support
Required Sponsor resolution of support State Aid City or County Maps of existing and proposed Letters of concurrence from schools and road authority Baseline student and parent survey data Project information – plan view sheet, cost estimate, and typical sections
Lisa Austin Minnesota Department of Transportation