Quality Management Strategic Quality Planning Organizing for TQM Training for TQM TQM in service Organisation Implementing TQM
Quality Management Strategic Quality Planning Members of the organization envision its future. Develops the necessary procedures and operation to carry out the vision. An effective strategy allows a business to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
Quality Management Organizing for TQM Organization leaders must explore and agree upon the vision, mission and guiding principles of the organization. Mission of a firm defines its reason for existence. Vision describes where the organization is headed and what it intends to be.
Quality Management Organizing for TQM Guiding principles direct the journey to a vision by defining attitudes & policies for all employees. Reinforced through conscious and sub conscious behaviour through at all levels of organization.
Quality Management Training TQM Roles- Work force. Develop ownership of quality process. Empowerment. Training, recognition and better communication.
Quality Management Training TQM Roles- Senior Managers. Organization focuses on needs of customer. Promote mission, vision and value of the organization. Using quality tools for problem solving
Quality Management Training TQM Roles- middle Managements. Empowerment Creating a common vision of excellence Playing the organizational game. Implementing a continuous improvement process. Developing and retaining peak performers.
Quality Management TQM in Service Organizations Selecting the theme. Analysis of the Problem Generating Ideas Testing the Idea Implementing the Ideas Check the Result Standardize Control/Document the Improvement Story Future Actions
Quality Management Implementing TQM Elements to be implemented. A customer focused vision. Concept of voice of customer. Way of learning from outstanding companies. Expression for caring for employees. Removing barriers to achieve quality. Measurement plan.