CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at e-Voting for Corporates
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at What is e-Voting Internet Based Facility Enables investors to cast their votes any time any where Automated system which records votes and gives results instantaneously Cost efficient model as compared to physical postal ballot
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Why e-voting ? Big boost to Corporate Governance Enhance Shareholder Participation Ease of Administration
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Legal Existing Provisions - The Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 Rule 2(b):“Postal Ballot” includes voting by share holders by postal or electronic mode instead of voting personally by presenting for transacting businesses in a general meeting of the company However, notices have to be sent in physical form Additional Provisions in The Proposed Companies Bill 2009 Sending of notices of the general meeting by electronic mode. Voting by a shareholder in a general meeting by electronic mode.
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Scope Postal Ballot AGM EGM Other Meetings
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at The Process Setting up of e-voting Upload of Register of Members Issue of Password by CVL Voting commencement Secure login for Scrutinizer Counting of votes resolution wise Declaration of results Data storage
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Who can vote ? All Shareholders can vote: All Demat Shareholders Physical security-holders
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Modes of voting Internet Postal Ballot Terminals at Venue Phase II Telephone (IVR) Mobile
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Controls Secured Site BCP & DRS Compliant Secured Access to investors using Key information known to the investor Password No Modification of votes Blocking of votes Unblocking of votes Integrity of Data/Audit Trail Maintained
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Benefits to Company Cost saved Time saved Compilation of voting data Scrutinizing votes Erroneous compilation eliminated
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Demonstration
CDSL Ventures Limited A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Central Depository Services (I) Limited Visit us at Thank You