TA CAMP 2010 ( PRE-EXAM LESSON ) History of the 12 th Coy Overview of BB International and BB Asia
The Boy’s Brigade in Singapore The first BB company in Singapore was founded in 1930 In the beginning, there were only 4 officers and 44 Boys.
How the 12 th Coy was created... In 1988, the MOE started its Independent School Program Thus the secondary section of ACS was renamed ACS Independent and moved to our current Dover Road campus This company would eventually become what we know today as the 12th(I) Company. The company band was formed 2 years later
How the other parts of the company were formed? 12 th ( BR ) Another ACS school was set up at the campus they left at Barker Road – now known as ACS(BR). A BB company was set up there as well – the 12th(BR) company.
How the other parts of the company were formed? 12 th ( JR ) In 1959, the formation of the Life Boys’ Team in the Anglo- Chinese Junior School led to the founding of the junior section of the Company. The “Life Boys’ Team” actually referred to a programme for younger Boys that was eventually replaced by the present- day Juniors Programme This programme was successful to the extent that the Anglo- Chinese Primary School also started its own Life Boys’ Team. The “Life Boys’ Team” was eventually renamed as “The Boys’ Brigade Junior Section” Therefore : ACS J > ACS P =D
Up to date, the 12 th (I) has been consistently performing well The Company has attained the JM Fraser Gold Award for Excellence Best Overall Company in Singapore for several consecutive years As well as produced a large number of Founders’ Men and National Youth Achievement Award recipients.
BB International and BB Asia Which countries make up BB Asia? In which country does our own Company support mission work?
Which countries make up BB Asia? Malaysia The Boys' Brigade in Malaysia was first organised in It has continued a steady growth ever since and now has 6,713 members in 101 Companies
Hong Kong The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong (Chinese: 香港基 督少年軍 Short-form: BBHK) BBHK a branch of the Boys' Brigade. It is a uniform youth organisation founded in 1959, currently with more than 200 companies.
Singapore The Boys' Brigade in Singapore is a youth uniformed group organisation which has been present in Singapore since It currently consists of over 700 officers and 5,500 Boys in over 117 companies. Its current Brigade President is Mr Tan Kok Heng.
Other BB Asia members BB Brunei BB Macau BB and GB Hawaii Putra Pengabdi Indonesia BB Cambodia BB and GB Thailand
In which country does our own Company support mission work? Boys' Brigade Learning Centre, Cambodia The Boys' Brigade Learning Centre (BBLC) is located at Proyouth Village, Puok Commune (30 minutes drive from Siem Reap, Cambodia. It was dedicated on 10 June 2006 by the Reverend Canon Dr. Louis Tay, the Brigade Chaplain at the time. Further contributing to the opening of the centre, the 12th Singapore Company and their sponsoring Church, Barker Road Methodist Church presented a water filtration system to be installed at the centre.