Appliance Fitting And Review Appliance should be fitted within 2weeks Show to the patient before fitting Once fitted, full instructions be given – min wear required per day Allow pt to practice insert and removing app The use of calendar in record hours worn Review 1/12, if no problem then bimonthly
Appliance Fitting And Review Each review visit: Record OJ and buccal segment r/ship OJ in max protrusion If no change within 6 months, tx plan should be reviewed Signs of poor wear: no change, continued problem with speech, a pristine app with no signs of wear and numerous breakage d/t repeated removal by pt
End of Treatment of Appliance and Retention Once OJ corrected, cont using appliance on part-time basis Further records (lat ceph) will aid in planning subsequent tx i.e. fixed appliance Unless early tx was done in mixed dentition. Pt will be directly transfer for fixed app Further tx should be planned to address any undeisrable effect
End of Treatment of Appliance and Retention Retention should be continued until the end of adolescent skeletal growth Incorporate a postural component to maintain the class II correction This include: Parttime wear of cut down app or Removable app with inclined anterior bite plane