Indonesian Sex Worker Organization =OPSI=
Numerous Human Rights Violation Stigma and Discrimination towards Sex Worker High Prevalence on Sexual Transmitted Infection, HIV/AIDS among Sex Workers Background
History High Number of human rights abuses cases, many inequalities, stigmatization, discrimination and the high prevalence of STIs, HIV and Aids among sex workers encourage the form of Indonesian Sex Worker Organization(OPSI). OPSi is an organization for female sex workers, transsexuals and both heterosexual and Homosexual male sex workers. Initiated since the National Workshop on November 2008 at Hotel Sahid Jakarta, OPSI formed with the aim to fight for the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of sex workers as citizens, eliminate the stigma against sex workers, encouraging the full involvement of sex workers in policy for prevention on HIV and Aids programs and to encourage the recognition of the Indonesian state to the status of sex workers.
Values 1. Anti-violence 2. Impartial 3. Non-discrimination 4. Gender Equality 5. Pluralism 6. Justice 7. Transparency
Vision and Mission Vision Realizing the state obligations to respect, protect, and fulfill the Human Rights of Sex Workers in Indonesia Mission a. Building a Critical Awareness of human rights throughout Indonesia on sex workers. b. Encourage the State in carrying out its obligations will be expanding human rights to sex workers in Indonesia. c. Encouraging involvement in Policy Making in all ASPECT. d. Promote solidarity among sex workers in Indonesia. e. Encouraging the involvement of sex workers in STI prevention efforts, HIV / AIDS
Membership : Female Sex Worker Transgender Sex Worker Male Sex Worker Type Of Membership : Regular Member Special Member Honorary Member
Reducing sexual harassment's cases and treatments towards sex workers. Reducing extortion case and physical violence by police officer & hoodlum towards sex workers and customers. Encouraging improvement on birth certificate of children who was born without married parents. Actively involve in anti-trafficking movement (human trafficking for sex workers) Special Objectives on Rights Violation
Performing adjustment advocation on health service towards non-discriminative service for sex workers. Transforming procedures of medication standard towards sex workers (health consultation, disease medication access, doctors' and nurses' stigma). Performing lobby and negotiation for improvement system of public health insurance, social health insurance to be accessible for all sex workers. Encouraging active involvement of sex workers in AIDS prevention according to Encouraging recognition sex workers as formal profession equal to other profession protected by the law (regulations, local regulations, ministerial regulations) Developing alternative economy. Special Objectives on Health
Sex workers remain as objects Low involvement of sex workers in policy making process Numerous oppose from religious based organization Numerous case of Human Rights towards Sex Workers in Discrimination: a. human rights violation done by the state, b. limited access of health service, c. violence (sexually, physical, and inhuman treatments) d. deprivation of rights e. Inhuman rehabilitation practice Obstacles
National Meeting was held on 12 – 15 April 2010 in Jakarta. the results is : National Workplan Period : a. Programs Related to HIV and Aids b. Programs to Strengthening Human Resources Capacity and OPSI Management. National Meeting
“We Are Exist Because We Fought” Thank You