1 Impact Assessment
2 Demographics
3 Sex and Age
4 Civil Status and Education
5 Loan Cycle and Months in Program Average months in the program: 43 Average loan cycle: 6
6 Type of Income Generating Activity Other types of income-generating activities include: room rental, videoke rental, and income from spouse
7 Household Level
8 Income Trend
9 Reasons for Increase in Income Other reasons include: lessened competition, salary increase, and spouse worked abroad
10 Reasons for Decrease in Income
11 Use of Loan Proceeds
12 Economic Well Being
13 House and Diet Improvements
14 Manner of Diet Improvement
15 Manner of Diet Worsening
16 Number of Children Aged 7-17 Not in School
17 MFI Impact on Children’s Education
18 Gender
19 Main Decision Maker: Business
20 Control of Household Expenditure
21 Cash Savings Trend 93.9% have cash savings that could be withdrawn anytime
22 Savings Purpose Other purposes for savings are: pregnancy, retirement, and send support to family
23 Enterprise Level
24 Top Three Expenses Sourced from Business Income Others: household improvement, for leisure and holidays, pay rent, pay loan
25 Changes Made to and Purchases for Business
26 Business Condition Rating
27 Product and Service Delivery
28 Features Clients Like Best Other features include: center fund, no meeting, accessible office, and respectful when collecting
29 Features Clients Like Least
30 Client Satisfaction with MFI
31 Other Services Clients Want
32 Number of Clients that Have Resigned
33 Reasons for Leaving
34 Savings
35 Weekly Savings
36 Multiple MF Program Membership
37 Delinquency
38 Actual and Desired Loan Amount *Clients who do not like to have a new loan but want microinsurance and other financial services.
39 Desired Loan Term and Interest Rate
40 Collateral that clients can give