Software Testing Principles Types of software tests Test planning Test Development Test Execution and Reporting Test tools and Methods Real-time testing
Testing The process of executing a program (or part of a program ) with the intention of finding errors. Verification An attempt to find errors by executing a program in a test or simulated environment. Validation An attempt to find errors by executing a program in a real environment Debugging Diagnosing the precise nature of a known error and then correcting it.
Every testing project has to follow the waterfall model of the testing process. The waterfall model is as given below 1.Test Strategy & Planning 2.Test Design 3.Test Environment setup 4.Test Execution 5.Defect Analysis & Tracking 6.Final Reporting According to the respective projects, the scope of testing can be tailored, but the process mentioned above is common to any testing activity.
Unit or module Test: The testing done to a unit or to a smallest piece of software. Done to verify if it satisfies its functional specification or its intended design structure. Integration Test: Testing which takes place as sub elements are combined (i.e., integrated) to form higher-level elements External function Test: Verify the external system functions, as stated in external specifications. Regression Test: Selective re-testing of a system to verify the modification (bug fixes) have not caused unintended effects and that system still complies with its specified requirements
System Test: Testing the software for the required specifications on the intended hardware Acceptance Test: Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria, which enables a customer to determine whether to accept the system or not. Installation Test: validate the installability and operability of the user’s system.
To perform these types of testing, there are two widely used testing techniques. The above said testing types are performed based on the following testing techniques. Black-Box testing technique: This technique is used for testing based solely on analysis of requirements (specification, user documentation.). Also known as functional testing. White-Box testing technique: This technique us used for testing based on analysis of internal logic (design, code, etc.)(But expected results still come requirements). Also known as Structural testing.