Security Bridge at Thai Thai Sunway Pyramid (stolen handbag) Dated 28 th November 2009 Between 1206 – 1217 hours
Security Camera (no 14) Suspect A As you can see from the Camera, the first suspect was seen to walk pass Thai Thai at 12:06pm Security Guard
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Suspect B Please take note of the Bag carried by this man (suspect B) Security Guard
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Suspect A & B seen walking back to back entering THAI THAI Security Guard
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Security Guard Distracted while suspects entered Suspect B enters Suspect A follows behind
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Security Guard Distracted still Suspect A enters
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Suspect B distracting Security Guard, while suspect A walked out with a couple of bags
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Suspect B distracting Security Guard during the getaway. Notice the same back pack carried earlier by Suspect B (refer to Slide 3)
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Suspects B walks away
Security Bridge at Thai Thai Conclusion This unfortunate incident was obviously a planned getaway right from the beginning. Having alliances, distracting security guards, preparation of extra bag as cover up was a draw up plan to a successful theft act. Prepared by : Natalie Kam | Marketing and PR Executive Sea Cuisine Sdn Bhd Management Thai Thai Restaurant