The worth of values: living a life of well-being and accomplishment by Dr. Adrian Carvajal The meaning of value/s The secret of the Iceberg Workplace values- activity
What is a value?
1.worth –price, cost, charge, rate 2. importance – significance, usefulness, meaning, merit 3. appreciate v. – respect, esteem, treasure, cherish
What are values?
Accomplishment, Success Accountability Accuracy Adventure All for one & one for all Beauty Calm, quietude, peace Challenge Change Charity Cleanliness, orderliness Collaboration Commitment Communication Community Competence Competition Concern for others Connection Content over form Continuous improvement Cooperation Coordination Creativity Customer satisfaction Decisiveness Determination Delight of being, joy Democracy Discipline Discovery Diversity Dynamism Ease of Use Efficiency Enjoyment Equality Excellence Fairness Faith Faithfulness Family Family feeling Flair Freedom, Liberty
Friendship Fun Generosity Gentleness Global view Goodwill Goodness Gratitude Hard work Happiness Harmony Health Honor Human-centered Improvement Independence Individuality Inner peace, calm, quietude Innovation Integrity Intelligence Intensity Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Love, Romance Loyalty Maximum utilization (of time, resources) Meaning Merit Money Oneness Openness Other's point of view, inputs Patriotism Peace, Non- violence Perfection Personal Growth Perseverance Pleasure Power Practicality Preservation
Privacy Progress Prosperity, Wealth Punctuality Quality of work Regularity Reliability Resourcefulness Respect for others Responsiveness Results-oriented Rule of Law Safety Satisfying others Security Self-givingness Self-reliance Self-thinking Sensitivity Service (to others, society) Simplicity Skill Solving Problems Speed Spirit, Spirituality in life Stability Standardization Status Strength Succeed; A will to- Success, Achievement Systemization Teamwork Timeliness Tolerance Tradition Tranquility Trust Truth Unity Variety Well-being Wisdom
1. Principles, standards, morals, ethics, ideals. 2. A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful (Postner, n.d.)
3. Values are the essence and source of all high accomplishment. 4. Energy is the fuel for all. Action expresses energy. Values create energy.
5. Values are the key to becoming a Significant Individual. Significant Individual 6. Every great achievement by an individual, an organization or a nation – without exception -- has been founded on the expression of high values in action
5. Values are the key to becoming a Significant Individual. Significant Individual 6. Every great achievement by an individual, an organization or a nation – without exception -- has been founded on the expression of high values in action
Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields.
Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields.
Values energizes everything. For an individualapplying values releases fresh energies, which always attract success, achievement, and well- being. Likewise, when companies adopt values, individuals working at the organization become energized, as do its customers, its products and services, and everyone and everything else associated with that organization.
“L’essential est invisible pour les yeux.”
What is essential is invisible to your eyes. Saint-Exupery‘s The Little Prince The Little Prince
What makes your life 100%? Skills Attitude Hard work Attitude
Skills Attitude Hard work Attitude