SolarCLEAN® WATER H2OH2O Ravinsridaya Gothandapani & Samia Ahmed Nadi Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nowshad Amin Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
The Perfect Portable Green Water Filter… Clean Water Everywhere, for people around the world.. “Let’s Go Green with SolarCLEAN® WATER” Camping and Backpacking. Indoor or outdoor usage. Emergency water filtration. Both urban and rural usage. Blessing to the natural calamity affected areas. PortabilitySafety Filters up to 1000 liters of water. Removes 99.99% of waterborne bacteria. Removes suspended contaminants. Can filter up to 0.2 microns. Super light weight. Convenient in size (1.5 L). How to clean water: The bottom part of bottle is placed in any water (unclean sources of water). Water is sucked through the water filter by micro-pump. Rechargeable battery supplies power to pump. Flexible solar panels attached to the bottle surface is used to charge the battery by solar energy (sunlight). *SolarCLEAN® is a ongoing trademark registered logo
Final Round of Competition in Malaysia On 10 March 2014 at Schneider HQ in PJ Team_UKM as named “H2O” with project named “Solar Clean Water” became Champion out of 5 finalists from 6 different universities in Malaysia (UM, UPM, MMU, APU, UTAR & UKM). Team UKM is selected to go for Regional challenge among East Asian countries, to be held in Vietnam in early April 2014.