The S-3 Shop Operations
Tasks Leadership matrix Yellow and Blue Cards OPORD/LAB (time line, supply list, instructors) FTX SJER
Leadership Matrix Update Updated matrix has been established FTX matrix sent out See CDT Roland with questions
Yellow and Blue Cards Update Blue and yellow cards are in the lounge on top of mail boxes Make sure you are filling these out correctly Yellow cards are due Thursdays NLT COB Turned into evaluator Blue cards submitted on Fridays NLT COB Turned into CDT Laslovich box with yellow card Any questions see CDT Laslovich
OPORD Update and briefing Completed up to SQD TACTICS III lab Change to lab schedule Next week is not SQD TACT III, it is now Battle Drills II Patrolling will be at another time yet to be decided
Battle Drills II October 28th MS III will be in the classroom and given instruction on how to conduct an Ambush, Recon, Attack/Raid, KOB, and Mvmnt to Contact with contingencies and will get more Tactical OPORD work Instructors – Jauregui (Ambush, Recon), Fortier (Attack/Raid/KOB and MTC w/ contingencies) for classroom instruction – Cope, Fredrickson, Brown, Salazar, Bashant, Andes, Roland Brief OPORDs to MS III, have them brief it back, and do a maneuver paragraph with a map kit to provide feedback and make corrections
Battle Drills II MS IIs will be going to SJER. Tasos will need to go with them to help Maj Longoria and because he is the class TACT. – S-4s we need to set up map kits for them – I will give Maj Longoria any other items he may need
Battle Drills II MS Is will be receiving remedial Battle Drill and OPORD review to further engrain this information into their brains – Insructors Valdez – Channoy, Laslo End of Camp commissioned MS IVs will participate with MS IIIs to learn/review this material
Squad Tactics #3 The jogging phase of STX (4 NOV) – Same format is previous lab – At O'Neill Park – MS IIIs will conduct a STX lane from start to finish for an Ambush, Mvmnt to Contact, Raid/Attack/KOB, and Recon with MS IV guidance – There will be an instructor for each class level – This lab will require full participation from all MS IVs – One MS IV over watch the MS III (SL), MS IV over watch MS II (TML) & MS I (SQD members), but stay as a squad Personal instruction attention to detail MS I and IIs do not wander around without a purpose
Squad Tactics #3 Instructors – 1 st SQD, 1 st PLT Salazar – Torres-Vinson, Tasos – 2 nd SQD, 1 st PLT Sanders – Bashant, Channoy – 3 rd SQD, 1 st PLT Jauregui – Brown, W
SQD Tactics 3 – 4 th SQD, 1 st PLT Cope – Andes, Andulez – 1 st SQD, 2 st PLT Brown, A – Roland, Laslo – 2 nd SQD, 2 nd PLT Fredrickson – Gross, Valdez
Pasibe take pictures There is no need to meet on Monday prior, but do review STX operations and ask any questions that you may have. If you will not be at lab, notify myself via so that I can replace you and you need to tell the PMS too. We will break apart 3 rd and 4 th squad from 2 nd PLT and add them to the existing squads evenly. We need to have full squads (9 members).
Specialty Teams lab November 11 th Teach cadets how to conduct EPW, A&L, COB, MOB Any others? Will be done outside of North Gym in station rotation format
FTX PCI PCI will be done in the morning on Monday November 2 during PT Can we get the North Gym or South Gym basketball courts reserved so that we have a place with light and shelter from the cold S-2? SQD TACT III will take place in the afternoon of Wednesday November 4 th
FTX November 6 th, 7 th, 8 th Duty list sent out with timeline & Leadership matrix Lets review this material!!! Currently working on FTX OPORDs Supply list MUST be submitted by instructors ASAP or NLT than Sunday at NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Send a copy to S-4 and a copy to S-3 for review and processing Are there any questions regarding FTX????
Land Nav at SJER October 24 th – This is an official land nav date. – Arrive at NG at 0530, movement to SJER NLT 0600, but earlier is okay and home by 1030 – Myself and Cope will be going as ADVON (Arrive at 0515 and depart 0530) for SJER, c/SGM will be coordinating movement of cadets to SJER with Maj Longoria and 2LT Saesee (2 vans) – Cope is handling maps, I will have answer sheets and score cards – Does anyone else want to assist in the ADVON?
One last thing… If you guys have any questions about lab from what is going on, what is your job, who is going where, so on and so forth ask me the day prior please and not an hour before lab. THANK YOU!!!!!!!