Unified process(UP) UP is an OO system development methodology offered by Rational(Rational Rose) s/w, now a part of IBM Developed by Booach,Rambaugh,Jacobson-- 3 pioneers of UML The original version of UP defined an elaborate set of activities and deliverables for every step of development process The four phase of UP life cycle, inception,elaboration,construction and transition describes emphases/objectives of project team members and their activities Four phases provide a framework for planning n tracking the project in time
Inception The project manager develops and refines a version for the new system to show how operations can be improved and solve existing problems Project manager checks/verifies that how benefits from the new system can be made so that cost of the development can be fulfilled The scope of the system should be made clear The inception phase is completed in one iteration,as with any iteration, parts of actual system might be designed,implemented and tested As s/w is developed, team members must confirm that system vision still matches user expectations or the system will work according to a plan
Elaboration This phase involves the several iterations Early iterations complete the identification and definition of all system requirements As UP follows an adaptive approach,the requirements are expected to evolve n change at any time after work starts on the project It also completes analysis,design and implementation of the core architecture of the system Risks are identified here By the end of it, project mgr estimates the total cost of the project and schedule and testing key parts of the system are also completed This phase is not at all the same as traditional SDLC’s analysis phase
Construction phase This phase involved several iterations,continued to design and implement the system Core architecture, highest risk aspects are already complete Focus of the work is :- data validation,fine tuning the user interface’s design,finishing routine data maintenance fn,completing the help & user preference fn It plans here for the deployment of the system
Transition phase In this,one or final iterations involve the final user acceptance and beta tests, the system is made ready for operations After the system is in operations, it will need to be supported and maintained
UP diagram
Difference in UML & UP Unified Process is an approach to software design - how software should be designed. It describes roles of participants, their responsibilities, steps, phases, milestones in software design, artifacts produced at each stage (documents, diagrams, software components, etc.), etc. UML is visual language (graphical notation). UML could be used when diagrams are created, so that we will have UML diagrams documenting our software design. Unified Process generally assumes that produced diagrams will be in UML.
UP disciplines A discipline is a set of functionally related activities that together contribute to one aspect of development project It includes business modeling, requirements,design,implementation,testing deployment,config.mgmt,change mgmt, proj mgmt Each iteration involves activities from all disciplines
Conclusion of UP Reinforces six best practices Develop iteratively Define and manage system requirements Use component architectures Create visual models Verify quality Control changes
Agile development Being Agile meaning responsive It is being able to change directions rapidly,even in the middle of the project- is the keystone It is a philosophy and a set of guidelines for developing s/w in an unknown,rapidly changing environment It provides development approach such as UP Different Agile methods Extreme Programming Scrum
Agile Modeling Hybrid of XP and UP (Scott Ambler) has more models than XP(extreme programming), less documents than UP Interactive and Incremental Modeling: Apply right models Create several models in parallel Model in small increments Teamwork: Get active stakeholder participation Encourage collective ownership Model with others and display models publicly
Agile Modeling Simplicity: Validation Use simple content Depict models simply Use simplest modeling tools Validation Consider testability Prove model is right with code
Agile development philosophy and values The 4 values emphasize:- Responding to change over following a plan Individuals and interactions over processes and models Working s/w over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Some industry leaders termed agile as chaordic Chaos & order –1st two pts(of 4 values) do seem to be a recipe for chaos Developers need to accept the chaos but also need to use specific methodology(UP!) to impose order on this chaos to move project ahead
Agile modeling principles Develop s/w as your primary goal Enable next effort as your secondary goal(2 objectives!) First requirements model is necessary to develop design model Though high quality s/w is imp,still long term use of it is v.imp Minimize your modeling activity Embrace(accept) change and change incrementally Model with a purpose Build multiple models Build high quality models & get feedback rapidly Focus on content rather than representation Learn from each other with open communication Know your models and how to use them Adapt to specific project needs
Agile modeling practices Iterative and incremental modeling Teamwork Simplicity Validation Documentation Motivation
Extreme Programming(XP) Set of ground rules that a s/w development team uses to organize their work Ground Rules Small team(2 to 12) OO design and code(java) Change mgmt systems(code and tests) The system is always “working” (growing functionality over time) New release to customer every 2-3mths Internal iterations every two weeks Not suitable for life critical systems(hear monitoring systems,nuclear power plant,avionics systems etc) Rapid customer and developer feedback loops
Some Rules of XP Planning Rules Design Rules Do a project planning via “user stories” Plan a series of v.small internal releases Start each day with a “stand up meeting” Design Rules Keep the design simple Refactor as needed
Rules of Coding standards Coding Rules Talk with the customer throughout the coding process Always code in pairs Code unit tests first , follow coding standards Testing Rules Unit tests for all code Acceptance tests(black-box testing performed on a system prior to its delivery) for each user story
Process in XP A Proj mgr needs to set up a web-based location where all the members of her team can access engineering drawings, models, research findings, meeting minutes and schedules of latest project. This will help the team stay in synch regarding the progress of the project. It will also prevent the current problem of storing data in different places that not everyone can access.(REAL USER STORY) User Stories Releases Planning Iteration Acceptance Testing Small Release