Our future kittens thank you!
Please join the fight & help us SOCK IT TO FIP
Who is SOCK? Save Our Cats & Kittens (SOCK) is a group of cat - lovers who are - Breeders - Rescuers - Shelters - Veterinarians working together to raise funds for FIP Davis’ Center for Companion Animal Health
What can you do to help? Spread the word with all your cat - loving friends about our website Send a donation to: SAVE OUR CATS & KITTENS UC Regents - School of Veterinary Medicine
How can you learn more about FIP? How can you learn more about FIP? Visit our website www. sockfip.org
How do genetics play a role in FIP? FIP is not a breed specific disease, but does follow certain bloodlines within breeds. Heritability accounts for about 50% of the incidence. Environmental factors influence the other half.
What are the signs of FIP? Signs of FIP arise weeks, months and in cases years after initial infection, they are: - loss of appetite - depression - rough coat - weight loss - antibiotic resistant fever
What is FIP? FIP is caused by a feline coronavirus. It is the major cause of abdominal fluid, intraocular and neurologic inflammatory disease in cats under yrs. of age. FIP is the cause of death in one in 100 to 200 random cats seen at veterinary teaching hospitals.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) FIP is virtually 100% fatal, and there is no prevention. The emotional toll of FIP is especially great because it strikes suddenly – weeks, months and even years after initial infection. Therefore, cat - lovers usually experience this disease long after they have developed strong emotional bonds with their pet.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) The worst 3 letters a cat – lover could ever hear.