FNAB: Consistent for ductal carcinoma Plan: Induction Chemotherapy / MRM / BCT? Why?
Mammary ductal carcinoma It comes in two forms: 1.) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) -Ductal carcinoma in situ is the earliest stage at which breast cancer can be diagnosed. I -Stage 0 breast cancer. -Commonly, it does not cause the formation of a lump in the breast that can be felt upon examination. -About 80% of cases are found by mammograms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammary_ductal_carcinoma
2.) infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) -an invasive, malignant and abnormal proliferation of neoplastic cells in the breast tissue. -Invasive ductal carcinoma may cause a hard, immovable lump with irregular edges to form in your breast. - lump can be felt during a breast examination. -it can metastasize WebMD
Treatment Neoadjuvant, or preoperative, chemotherapy - use of chemotherapy to treat a cancerous tumor before surgery. Modified radical mastectomy the tumor is removed along with all of the breast tissue on the side of the tumor, some of the underlying chest wall tissue, and the lymph nodes in the armpit (the axillary lymph nodes). EDIS UptoDate
Breast conserving therapy surgical removal of the tumor and a small portion of normal surrounding breast tissue, followed by radiation therapy to the remaining breast tissue. also called a lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, or partial mastectomy.
Invasive breast cancer — Invasive breast cancers usually require surgical treatment (mastectomy or breast conserving therapy) as well as treatment after surgery (called adjuvant treatment). DCIS — Women with DCIS are treated similarly to those with invasive breast cancer, although there is less concern about spread to the lymph nodes or rest of the body. Treatment after surgery (called adjuvant treatment) is not usually necessary.
Choosing Between Lumpectomy and Mastectomy Women who choose lumpectomy and radiation can expect the same chance of survival as those who choose mastectomy. The advantage of a lumpectomy is that it saves the appearance of the breast. A disadvantage is the need for several weeks of radiation therapy after surgery. However, some women who have a mastectomy will still need radiation therapy. http://www.fccc.edu/cancer/types/breast/treatment/surgery/index.html