Report of the Vice-President for REPS
Report of the Vice-President for REPS 1. REPS Conference-This was held on May 31-June 1, 2012 at NISMED AVR, UP Diliman. There were 50 REPS from different CUs attended except UP Los Banos. 2. System Personnel Committee, Technical Working Group on Proposed REPS Guidelines REPS Manual-
1. REPS Conference The UP System Ad-Hoc Committee to Draft the REPS Manual constituted itself on January 23, 2012, to plan for the 3 rd REPS Conference on May A budget proposal was sent to the Staff Regent for financial assistance in the amount of P 35, to cover food and other supplies, and also to the Office of the Chancellor for payment of the venue- NISMED. A Steering Committee was formed on May 8, 2012 to prepare the program of the
REPS Conference... Conference and act as facilitators of the 2-day Conference.
REPS Conference Career Path 1. -Proposed clustering: 2 clusters a-Research and Extension Group are integ- rated/intertwined b. Professional Service Group, Guidance Service Group and Librarians 2. Enabling environment for REPS Career Development
Career Path 3. Improvement of Salary Grade Level 4. Automatic promotion for REPS 5.Appointment of REPS as Head of Unit with Fixed Terms 6. Use of COS by the Guidance Service Specialist
REPS Conference