Manifest Destiny in the 1840s UNIT 7
THEME Emboldened with a spirit of Manifest Destiny the United States acquired vast territories in the 1840s. The acquisition of Texas and half of the Oregon Territory was followed by the Mexican War that yielded the U.S. the vast Mexican Cession and reignited the slavery issue.
MANIFEST DESTINY IN THE 1840s I.President John Tyler A.Death of President Harrison, Vice President Tyler ascended to the presidency President William Henry Harrison had only been in office one month when he died of pneumonia.
President John Tyler Whig
B.Tyler had Jacksonian views -- Thwarted Webster & Clay C.Signed bill to end Independent Treasury System D.Vetoed Clays attempt at a new BUS E.Tyler was expelled from his party and his entire cabinet resigned
II. Manifest Destiny A.Many Americans believed they were destined to conquer the continent 1. Really began with Jacksons Indian removal policies in 1830s 2. Definition coined by John L. OSullivan
B. Election of Democrats nominated James K. Polk -- Sought to annex Texas and take control of the Oregon Territory 2. Whigs nominated Henry Clay -- Clays mistaken strategy 3. Liberty Party 4. James K. Polk d. Henry Clay
TOM Manifest Destiny = TOM T T exas, 1845 O O regon, 1846 M M exican Cession (CA, UT territory, NM territory), 1848
President James K. Polk Democrat
III. Texas joins the Union A. Republic of Texas lasted 9 years B. Texas was the leading issue of the 1844 presidential campaign C. Tyler pushed for annexation and got a joint resolution from Congress (during his lame-duck period) D. Mexico refused to recognize the annexation
IV. President James K. Polk A. One of the most successful one- term presidents in U.S. history B. Polks 4-point program 1. Walker Tariff of 1846: Lowered rate from 32% to 25% 2.Restoration of Independent Treasury System (1846) 3.Acquisition of California 4.Settlement of the Oregon dispute with Britain
COIL Polks Presidency: COIL C C alifornia O O regon I I ndependent Treasury System L L ower Tariff (Walker Tariff, 1846)
C.Oregon 1. British and U.S. claims -- John Jacob Astor: American Fur Company 2. Americans migrated by the thousandsinto Oregon south of the Columbia River a. Oregon Trail b. British concerns c. Polk abandoned the 54˚40 campaign pledge