If I am a BM... Logo
I will.... Maximize promotions and programs: 1.Powercard/Powerday 2.Additional Income 3.Reservation 4.Information dissemination 5.Information dissemination 6.Prepare and implement and be excited of our upcoming promos 7.Conduct a meeting with the staff for the updates and weekly tasks 8.Do accurate reports for reports will serve as basis for future plans and promos and determines our performance Logo
POWERDAY Logo 1.Textblast holders 2.Update Powerday Area – a day before 3.Read memo Schedule: June 8 Tablets June 15 TV Phones June 22 WIFI Phones June 29 Camera Phones
POWERCARD 1.Text/Call Customer to Claim Powercard. 2. Encode Cardholder’s name In your store service unit 3. Request for unlitext andtext holders of our promo Logo
If I am a BM... Logo
I will.... Do Mini Marketing Activities: 1.Know/be aware of your stocks 2.Telemarketing 3.Flyering 4.Facebook Logo
STOCKS 1.Know your on hand fast selling stocks 2.Open and know what stock is allocated to you 3.Know and track incoming stocks – to know what to push. 4.Before requesting for stock check incoming stock Logo
TELEMARKETING 1.Saves energy 2.Direct to customers 3.Create a need for the Customer to own a phone How: 1.Directory 2.Branch masterlist Logo
FLYERING 1.Schedule staff to do the flyering. 2. Schedule flyering in Crowded places (market, Pradahan...) 3. Show samples Ex (dummy units and Freebies) Logo
FACEBOOK 1. Ask customer if we could add them 2. Add friend = POS Digital Logo
ADDITIONAL INCOME Logo Frontliner Incentive - P10.00 per Sold out
REPAIRED UNIT Logo 1. Believe that repaired unit are Good units. 2. Take note of the history of the Repaired unit times – repair = class b sale Sale at cost 4. 3 times – repair = return to warehouse Note on the DR (3x repaired) subject for Class B sale Note****it eat ups a big part of your inventory
MOST IMPORTANT Logo SMILE, GREET AND ATTEND TO CUSTOMER’S NEEDS *Do something extra in terms of service...to have an edge over our competitors *Make sure that your customer had a pleasant time visiting your store *Make sure that your customer will have a reason to return to your store.