All information and pictures in this presentation is for Safety Presentation purpose which exclusively owned by © 2010 Harpo Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THIS PRESENTATION COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE & OTHERS
Think you can drive drive and text text or talk at the same time? Science shows your brain just can't keep up. University of Utah researcher David Strayer has been studying distracted drivers for 10 years. "The brain just doesn't work the way we'd like it to work," he says. "We can't multitask the way that a lot of people think they can." David's research found that talking on a cell phone quadruples your risk of an accident. "For comparison purposes, someone who's drunk at a 0.08 blood alcohol level has a four-time crash increase. So talking on a cell phone is about the same as driving drunk drunk," he says. "When you're text messaging, the crash risk goes up to eight times times." David Strayer
Driving Without Distractions This is what a driver sees when she/ he's not distracted by a cell phone. David warns that even if you focus all your attention on the road ahead, you still need to keep an eye on other drivers. "Many people think they're safer drivers. A lot of people think they're better than average. They think that they can talk or text while driving and it's the other person who's at fault," he says. "But the problem is everybody behind them is also weaving."
Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone This is what the same driver would see if she/ he was talking on a cell phone. "One of the things we know when people are talking on a phone is that they get in kind of a tunnel vision," David says. "You don't see the information in the periphery. So if there's a car, a pedestrian, something like that, you just don't see it," he says. "They're not looking at their side mirrors.“
Driving Without Distractions Here is another example of what a focused driver sees. Watch carefully on this picture, you’ll be surprise on the next one…
"You suffer from something called inattention blindness blindness," David says. "About half of that information is removed. It could be a stop sign. It could be a pedestrian. And so this inattention blindness makes us drive in a way that makes it worse than drunk driving." Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone This is what that same driver sees when she/ he starts talking on a cell phone. The next time you're in the car, put down the phone. "We're just not wired to multitask in that way. We think we can do it. We simply can't," he says. "And we're deceiving ourselves if we think we are."
Researchers have a message for millions of people who text/ call while driving a car, Rollerblading, or even stepping off a curb: “R_U_AN_ID10T?”
Oprah's No Phone Zone Pledge The Oprah Winfrey Show January 15, 2010 “I pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by not texting or using my phone while I am driving. I will ask other drivers I know to do the same. I pledge to make a difference.” All information and pictures in this presentation is for Safety Presentation purpose which exclusively owned by © 2010 Harpo Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This presentation was taken from: