NH HMIS Calendar Tool Donna Curley – NH HMIS Project Manager NERHMIS Meeting July 22, 2011
He who fails to plan, plans to fail - Source Unknown If you don't know where you are going. How can you expect to get there? - Basil S. Walsh Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part - Proverb Why?
What Need for a project planning tool that was not complex (such as Microsoft Project) Need for a big picture of the HUD reporting dates, as well as HMIS tasks
How Big Thanks to Jamie Taylor, Sr. Analyst at The Cloudburst Group! I explained what I was looking for and Jamie located a tool that I could adapt, and she obtained key dates/website that make the tool very useful
JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER HMIS CALENDAR YEAR PLAN 2011 AHAR & Vet AHAR HIC & PIT updates Budget review Data Quality planning review Prep for NOFA & APR AHAR Process review with Team & COCs HIC & PIT updates Budget review Prep work for NOFA & APR Data Quality Planning Review AHAR AHAR, HMIS APR, NOFA HIC & PIT updates Assessment review and Assessment fixes Assessment fixes HPRP training HPRP training VISTA work Client Consent Client consent
A multiple tab excel spreadsheet consisting of: CoC Management and Reporting Calendar - Key Dates and Deadlines by Program CoC Management and Reporting Calendar - Key Dates and Deadlines by Month NH HMIS Project Management Plan The Using the Calendar
Thank you! Donna Curley, NH HMIS Project Manager