MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 1. Deepening Personal relationship with God and brethren Growth in Holiness as seen thru 1.Membership Growth 2.Membership Retention & 3.Generosity in Time, Talent & Treasure
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 2. Inspiring, Relevant, Accessible & Contemporized Formation (e.g. Theology of the Body, Gateway evangelization, life stage relevant formation Growth in Holiness as seen thru 1.Membership Growth 2.Membership Retention & 3.Generosity in Time, Talent & Treasure Stage-relevant formation track given to leaders and members Gateway evangelization programs
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 3. Couples for Christ and the Family Ministries Presence and Involvement in other Dioceses and/or Parishes Presence in new dioceses and/or parishes Identified CFC Service in the parish Strengthen Relationship with Parish Priest/Clergy
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 4. All BCOP program are to be supported as fullness of the work Implement all BCOP- ANCOP Programs (timeframe to be determined by local area a)Education (CSP & Cornerstone) is the priority Work with the Poor Programs in ALL Areas. Increase program beneficiaries and members engagement based on detailed implementation manuals, training & clear manpower assignment guidelines a)Relevant ANCOP Community Dev. Programs & Social Dev. Programs to be implemented in targeted areas All other BCOP programs based on area’s capability
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 5. Comprehensive, Updated & Integrated One Global Data System utilized as a pastoral tool 100% areas faithfully updating membership database with CFC Secretariat
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 6. Couples for Christ governance & stewardship aligned with the highest relevant Christian values and ethics Well defined and appropriate country structure in relation to Global Mission Centre organizational framework Alignment of Country Goals with the GMC Goals Alignment of accountabilities of the local area leaders with the National Council
MISSION PLANS IC Strategic Priorities Measures to Indicate Progress Area/Country GoalsAction Plan 7. Deliberate raising of missionaries for deployment to the ends of the earth Number of mission volunteers and full time pastoral workers raised up and deployed
DATES TO REMEMBER NOVEMBER O 8-9 Nov: 2014 Leaders’ Summit (???)