“Spit Me out Lord where I need to be” Allowing the Lord to Shift your life into the right direction.
God desires to make us something More than we are now Luke 11:30 Just as Jonah became a miraculous sign to the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be a miraculous sign to the people living today.
Information Nineveh : Ninua; Aramaic: ; Hebrew: נינוה, Nīnewē; Arabic: نينوى, Naīnuwa), an "exceeding great city", as it is called in the Book of Jonah, lay on the eastern bank of the Tigris in ancient Assyria, across the river from the modern-day major city of Mosul, Iraq. The Assyrians killed many of Israelites. They were bent on conquering the world. Jonah had probably family members who suffered under the hands of the Assyrians.
His Stretching of the Heart. Read Jonah 1: God Spoke to Jonah ( When is the last time God spoke to you?) 2.God gave Jonah an assignment to leave at once. ( What is your assignment?) 3.Jonah decided to run the other way 4.God sent a storm to try and get Jonah back on track. 5.Jonah was thrown overboard into the raging waters. 6. God was stretching the heart of Jonah. Jonah hated the People of Nineveh.
From Inside the Fish Read Jonah 2: The belly of a fish gets smelly and the stomach acids begin to digest your body. 2.It is a good place to be when you are being stretched by the Lord but you can’t stay there long. 3.Jonah reconnected to the Lord. 4.Jonah had to see his life without God in order to realize how he needed Him. Never forget where you come from. 5.Jonah had to understand defeat in order to receive God’s victory. 6.He had to face death in order to seek for life. 7.God has a way of spitting us back at the place where we need to be.
Three days in a different kind of fish Jonah 3: God told Jonah to immediately go again to Nineveh. Jonah went!!!! 2.Jonah walked for three days ( looking like death) in the city and preached the message of repentance to people who worshiped Idols. 3.God was pleased and for gave the people.
Sheltering your heart from God Read Jonah 4: Jonah still wanted God’s destruction to come to the City. 2.Jonah was happy for the plant and for God’s provision but he missed God’s passion for the City. 3.Jonah sheltered his heart from the understanding of His God. 4.Sometimes a worm needs to eat up our security blanket. 5.Jonah had more concern for a tree than 120,000 people’s lives. 6.God let Jonah know that He was the one who has the final say in all things.
Allowing God to spit you out where you need to be Allow him to teach you through the hardships you endure. Allow your passion for others to never diminish. Allow the fish acids to eat away the yuck of your life. Allow yourself time to seek the face of God and prepare for the spitting. Allow God to spit you where you need to be. Allow the message to come out quickly to others.
Spit me out Lord where I need to be.