United States History Mrs. Amanda Donner E-227 Ext. 2527
Course Description United States History and the Constitution is a year long course that focuses on the story of the American people from the period of the Mesoamerica civilizations to the present day – a span that includes the early Native Americans, the establishment of various European colonies, the creation of the United States as a new nation during the American Revolution, the territorial expansion to the West, the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the industrialization and immigration of the late nineteenth century, and the nations developing role in world affairs in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. United States History and the Constitution is a year long course that focuses on the story of the American people from the period of the Mesoamerica civilizations to the present day – a span that includes the early Native Americans, the establishment of various European colonies, the creation of the United States as a new nation during the American Revolution, the territorial expansion to the West, the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the industrialization and immigration of the late nineteenth century, and the nations developing role in world affairs in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. United States History and the Constitution is a year long course that focuses on the story of the American people from the period of the Mesoamerica civilizations to the present day – a span that includes the early Native Americans, the establishment of various European colonies, the creation of the United States as a new nation during the American Revolution, the territorial expansion to the West, the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the industrialization and immigration of the late nineteenth century, and the nations developing role in world affairs in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. United States History and the Constitution is a year long course that focuses on the story of the American people from the period of the Mesoamerica civilizations to the present day – a span that includes the early Native Americans, the establishment of various European colonies, the creation of the United States as a new nation during the American Revolution, the territorial expansion to the West, the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the industrialization and immigration of the late nineteenth century, and the nations developing role in world affairs in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Books Used American Vision - McGraw-Hill (2005) American Vision - McGraw-Hill (2005) In addition to these, teachers and students will also have access to a number of ancillary resources to supplement the classroom experience, such as newspapers, simulations, and videos. In addition to these, teachers and students will also have access to a number of ancillary resources to supplement the classroom experience, such as newspapers, simulations, and videos.
You need 2 Binder with dividers 2 Binder with dividers Two 5 subject spiral notebooks for notes Two 5 subject spiral notebooks for notes Flash drive (highly suggested) Flash drive (highly suggested) Paper, pencils, pens Paper, pencils, pens
Grade Calculation Activity: Percentage of Final Grade Activity: Percentage of Final Grade Exams/Tests40% Exams/Tests40% Projects30% Projects30% Daily grade10% Daily grade10% Homework10% Homework10% Quizzes10% Quizzes10% 100% Total
Homework Homework is assigned as needed Homework is assigned as needed You will have homework most nights!!!! You will have homework most nights!!!! Turn in homework at the beginning of class, in the basket by the pencil sharpener. Turn in homework at the beginning of class, in the basket by the pencil sharpener.
Late Work Work should be completed by the due date. Work should be completed by the due date. If it is late I give a 10 point penalty for each day it is late. If it is late I give a 10 point penalty for each day it is late. No late work will be excepted after the 4 th day. No late work will be excepted after the 4 th day.
Make-up Work You have five days to complete make-up work. You have five days to complete make-up work. If it is not turned a late fee will be allotted and after 9 days the work will not be accepted. If it is not turned a late fee will be allotted and after 9 days the work will not be accepted. You should collect make-up work before or after class. You should collect make-up work before or after class. I will not give make-up work during instructional time. I will not give make-up work during instructional time.
Student Conduct in class Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the educational process relative to the subject content will not be tolerated Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the educational process relative to the subject content will not be tolerated
Electronic Devices In- Class Cellular phones, cameras, music devices, etc… are prohibited in the classroom and laboratory facilities unless they are being used for instructional purposes with the teachers permission (If lecture is taking place or during any team activity, listening to music is not permitted). Cellular phones, cameras, music devices, etc… are prohibited in the classroom and laboratory facilities unless they are being used for instructional purposes with the teachers permission (If lecture is taking place or during any team activity, listening to music is not permitted).
Cheating Students are expected to uphold the schools standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students are expected to uphold the schools standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code is subject to receive a failing grade for the assignment and will be referred to Administration. The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code is subject to receive a failing grade for the assignment and will be referred to Administration.
The following are considered violations of the honor code Represent the work of others as their own. Represent the work of others as their own. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. Give unauthorized assistance to other students. Give unauthorized assistance to other students. Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit. Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit. Misrepresent the content of submitted work. A student may not use or copy (by any means) anothers work (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. Misrepresent the content of submitted work. A student may not use or copy (by any means) anothers work (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own.
Major Rules Follow all SJHS Rules Follow all SJHS Rules Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself Follow all directions Follow all directions Be prepared Be prepared
Special Attention to….
Dress Code Dollar bill rule on girls shorts Dollar bill rule on girls shorts Boys pants should fit Boys pants should fit Always remember the 3 bs!!! : ) Always remember the 3 bs!!! : ) I will send you to administration if dress code is not followed. I will send you to administration if dress code is not followed.
Tardies… BE ON TIME!!!! BE ON TIME!!!! You are late if you are not in this room doing your shark bait when the bell rings. You are late if you are not in this room doing your shark bait when the bell rings. Shark Bait should be complete in the first 5 minutes of class!!!! Shark Bait should be complete in the first 5 minutes of class!!!! No Excuses!!! No Excuses!!!
Fighting…. If you get in a fight at this school you….
Attitude and Disrespect As long as you show me respect, I will show you respect. As long as you show me respect, I will show you respect. If you are rude or disrespectful to me or another classmate their will be consequences!!!! If you are rude or disrespectful to me or another classmate their will be consequences!!!!
Consequences Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Student-Teacher conference/phone call home Student-Teacher conference/phone call home Phone call home / teacher assigned detention Phone call home / teacher assigned detention Referral Referral
Severe disruptions will result in removal from classroom and referral.
Positive Rewards Praise Praise Notes/Calls home Notes/Calls home Computer/library time Computer/library time Tangible rewards (pencils, etc.) Tangible rewards (pencils, etc.) Great grades! Great grades!
4 big ideas Be There (for each other) Play (and have fun but get the job done), Make Their Day (make people feel safe, special, unique) Choose Your Attitude.
Seating: : Students will have assigned seats and should remain in their seats until they are dismissed. Exceptions:
Sharpening pencils: you may sharpen pencils as needed unless I am speaking or giving oral instruction. Sharpening pencils: you may sharpen pencils as needed unless I am speaking or giving oral instruction. If this is the case, then raise your hand and I will give you a new pencil or permission to sharpen yours. If this is the case, then raise your hand and I will give you a new pencil or permission to sharpen yours.
Restroom: You should use the restroom between classes. Restroom: You should use the restroom between classes. If it is an emergency then I will give you a pass. If it is an emergency then I will give you a pass. If restroom visits become too frequent or it becomes disruptive, restroom use will be limited and a phone call to your parent will be made. If restroom visits become too frequent or it becomes disruptive, restroom use will be limited and a phone call to your parent will be made.
Dismissal: The teacher dismisses the class.